Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 4
Certainly, almost certainly, no doubt - Kāore e kore

Kāore e kore nā Hema ia i kōrero.
It was doubtless Hema who told him.

Kāore e kore.
Almost certainly.

Kāore e kore ko Roimata te kaikaranga.
Roimata will no doubt be the kaikaranga.

Kāore e kore te whakaaetia o tana tono.
Her request will almost certainly be granted.

Kāore e kore kua pau kē ngā tīkiti.
The tickets have no doubt sold out.

Kāore e kore ka toa te kapa Ōpango.
The All Blacks will almost certainly win.