Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Conjunctions - but - engari


Kei te hōhā ahau i te mea he uaua tēnei mahi.
I am bored because this work is too hard.

Kua reri mai te marae, engari kei te tāria tonutia te manuhiri.
The marae is ready, but we are still waiting for the guests.

He waka tōna, engari kua pakaru tōna waka.
He has a car, but his car is broken.

Ka kite hoki i ētahi atu rerekētanga, engari, mō te reremahi, kahore.
There are other differences as well, but for verbal sentences, there aren't any.

Kei te haere ahau ki te kura mā runga pahi, engari kei te haere koe ki te toa mā raro.
I'm going to school by bus but you're walking to the shop.

Kei te pai, pāpā. Engari, kua whakakīa te waka ki te penehinu?
All good, pāpā. But, has the car been filled with petrol?

Kei te ako ahau, engari he pōturi.
I'm learning but I'm slow.

I te mea...

Kei te oherere ahau i te mea he māmā rawa tēnei mahi.
I am surprised because this work is too easy.

Nō Taranaki, engari kei konei mātou ko tōku whānau e noho ana.
From Taranaki, but my family and I are staying here.

E whakaae ana ētahi, engari kāore anō ētahi atu kia whakaae.
Some agree, but others have not yet agreed.

Kāore aku tamariki, engari he tokomaha āku irāmutu, tekau mā rima rātou.
I don't have any kids, but I have many nieces and nephews, there are fifteen of them.

Ko Ngāmotu te taone pai, engari ko Tūranga te taone mahana.
New Plymouth is the great city, but Gisborne is the warm city.

Ko Pōneke te taone matua, engari ko Akarana te taone nui.
Wellington is the capital city, but Auckland is the big city.

Kāore e pai ki ahau te mahita, na te mea, he haunga ia.
I don't like the teacher because he smells.

I pakeke ake au i Te Waipounamu, engari ko Rakiura kē tōku ake kāinga.
I grew up in the South Island but Stewart Island is my real home.

Ka haere ahau, engari kāhore a Taika i haere mai.
I went, but Taika didn't.

I oti i a au, engari kua mamae taku ringa i te tuhituhi.
I completed it but my hand is sore from all the writing.

He makariri, engari he rawe te hararei.
It was cold, but it was a great holiday.

Ehara māku e taki te karakia, nā te mea he iti taku kete pāpaku taku kete karakia.
I will not be the one to recite the prayer because my kete is shallow.

Kei te pai au, engari kei te tangi ia.
I'm ok, but she's crying.

He pai ki ahau te mahita, nā te mea, he humarie ia.
I like the teacher, because he's handsome.

Kāore i taea e au te kanikani, engari ināianei, āe, ka taea te kanikani.
I couldn't dance, but now, yeah, I can dance.

I tērā tai i te kāinga ngā tamariki a ako ana, engari kei te kura rātou i tēnei wā.
Last year the children were learning at home, but they are at the school now.

Kei konei au, engari kei te moe tonu ngā karu Nan.
I am here, but my eyes are still sleeping Nan.