Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
Direction - ...ai

I nahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?

Nō te Rātapu te karere i tae mai ai.
It was on Sunday that the news arrived.

I nanahi a Honi i tae mai ai.
Honi arrived yesterday.

He aha koe i hoki mai ai i te 11?
Why did you come back at 11?

Ā hea te kura rere atu ai ki Āmerika?
When is the school flying to America?

Āhea a Tawa mā haere mai ai?
When are Tawa and the others coming?

Nō whea hoki ia e tae mai ai?
There's no way he will get here?

Āwhea koe peka mai ai?
When will you pop in?

Hei tērā Mane rātou tae mai ai, arā, hei te 2 o Pēpuere.
They arrive next Monday, that is, on the 2nd of February.

Nō nahea koe i hoki mai ai?
When did you get back in?

I napō au i tae mai ai.
I arrived last night.

Koirā i tae tūreiti mai ai.
That's why he arrived late.

Nōnahea koe i hoki mai ai?
When did you return?

Ā te whā o Ōketopa a Rangi mā haere mai ai.
Rangi and the others are coming on the 4th of October.

Nā te makariri rāua i hoki mai ai.
They came back because of the cold.

I nahea a Pita i tae mai ai?
When did Pita arrive?

Mā hea koe haere mai ai?
How did you get here?

Inahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?

Ā tērā wiki rātou hoki mai ai.
They come back next week.

Hei te whare kē noa atu au noho mai ai.
I will stay at another house far away from yours.