Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 1
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Kei te is the tense marker used to indicate that something is happening in the present:

Kei te oma au.
I am running.

The past tense is indicated by using i te.

I te oma au.
I was running.

I te whakareri a Mere te haerenga ki Tāhuna.
Mere was preparing for the trip to Queenstown.

Ka waiata te kapa haka i te hui.
The haka group will sing at the gathering.

I te whakarongo mātou ki te waiata i te whānau.
We were listening to the song at the birthday.

Ka whakatika a Hine i te whare ā te ata.
Hine will clean the house in the morning.

Ka kōrero a Rewi ki te kaiako hei te Rātū.
Rewi will speak to the teacher on Tuesday.

Ka tuhituhi a Pita i te reta tōna hoa.
Pita will write the letter for his friend.

Ka haere mātou ki te whare pikitia hei te Rāmere.
We will go to the cinema on Friday.

Ka horoi koe i ngā rīhi i muri i te kai.
You will wash the dishes after the meal.

I te hanga te kaiako i ngā mahi te akomanga.
The teacher was preparing the work for the class.

I te haere au ki te toa ki te hoko kai.
I was going to the shop to buy food.

Ka haere au ki te toa āpōpō ki te hoko kai.
I will go to the shop tomorrow to buy food.

Ka haere rātou ki te moana ki te kaukau.
They will go to the beach to swim.

I te tunu a Hana i te keke te hui.
Hana was baking the cake for the meeting.

Ka rere te waka rererangi ki Tāmaki Makaurau ā te ahiahi.
The plane will fly to Auckland in the afternoon.

I te haere rātou ki te moana ki te kauhoe.
They were going to the beach to swim.

I te mātakitaki au i te kiriata me ōku hoa.
I was watching the movie with my friends.

I te hoki mai a Rewi i te mahi i te ahiahi.
Rewi was returning from work in the evening.

I te ako a Pita i te reo Māori i te kura.
Pita was learning te reo Māori at school.

I te tākaro ngā tamariki i te pāmu i te wera
The children were playing at the farm on the hot day.

Ka tunu a Mere i te kai te whānau ā te .
Mere will cook dinner for the family tonight.

I te pupuhi te hau inanahi.
The wind was blowing yesterday.

I te mutunga wiki i haere au ki te awa,te kura, te toa hoki.
On the weekend I went to the river, to the school and also to the shop.

I te matapihi tata tonu, ka haere ia ki te kūaha.
She walked from near the window to the door.

I te kaha o te ki to whiti, ka pōngia iho ahau.
The sun was so bright I had to close my eyes.

I te mutunga o te hui, ka he arotakenga.
At the end of the hui, an evaluation was done.

I te kōrero a Tawa.
Tawa was talking.

I te hari katoa hāunga anō a Rangi.
Everyone was happy except Rangi.

I te moe a Pāora.
Pāora was asleep.

I te inumanga o te pia, ka hauranga rātou.
On drinking the beer, they got drunk.

I te whana te tama i te pōro.
The boy was kicking the ball.

I te hanga rātou i te whare.
They were building the house.

I te haere rātou.
They were going.

I te whakawhitinga o te katipō i te matapihi, mea oma.
The spider ran across the window.

I te pupuhi te hau.
The wind was blowing.

I te hīkoi a Niko ki te kura.
Niko was walking to school.

I te ia.
He was standing.

I te kōrero au ki a ia.
I was speaking to her.

I te whakarongo koutou?
Were you listening?

I te piki au i te rākau.
I was climbing the tree.

I te topenga o te rākau, ka riri te iwi.
When the tree was cut, the people were angry.

I te hīkoi rātou i nanahi.
They were walking yesterday.

I te pīrangi koe ki te kaputī?
Did you want a tea?

I te kōrero ngā wahine.
The women were talking.

I te kai te kōtero i te āporo.
The girl was eating the apple.

I te raka tonu te hōro.
The hall was still locked.

I te mutunga o te pōwhiri, ka te hākari.
At the end of the welcome, a feast was held.

I te matekai ngā tamariki.
The children were hungry.

I te moe ngā pēpi.
The baby was sleeping.

I te Mane ka haere ahau ki Taupō.
I went to Taupo on Monday.

I te pānui au.
I was reading.

I te kai te kōtiro.
The girl was eating.