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A common question is: "What are you doing?" In te reo Māori, we ask this by using kei te aha koe? The word aha means "what?"
Kei te aha koe?
What are you doing?
Kei te aha ia?
What is she doing?
When someone answers this question, they replace the word aha with the word that indicates what they are going:
Kei te aha koe? Kei te hīkoi ahau.
What are you doing? I am walking.
Kei te aha ia? Kei te waiata ia.
What is she doing? She is singing.
Kei te aha koe ā tēnei pō?
What are you doing tonight?Kei te aha koe ākuanei?
What are you doing soon?Kei te aha kōrua?
What are you two doing?Kei te aha tāua?
What are we doing?Kei te aha koe ā te Rāhoroi?
What are you doing on Saturday?Kei te aha a Honi i nāianei?
What is Honi doing now?Kei te aha koe ā tērā wiki?
What are you doing next week?Kei te aha ngā tamariki?
What are the children doing?Kei te aha koe ā te pō o te Mane?
What are you doing on Monday night?Kei te aha koe ināianei?
What are you doing now?Kei te aha a Hera ki te keke tiakarete?
What is Hera doing with the chocolate cake?Kei te aha a Aroha?
What is Aroha doing?Kei te aha koe i tēnei rā?
What are you doing today?Kei te aha tērā tangata?
What is that person doing?Kei te aha koe āpōpō?
What are you doing tomorrow?Kei te aha rāua?
What are they doing?Kei te aha koe ā te Paraire?
What are you doing on Friday?Kei te aha a Kaia?
What is Kaia doing?Kei te aha kōrua?
What are you two doing?Kei te aha a Kauri?
What is Kauri doing?Kei te aha ia?
What is she doing?Kei te aha koe?
What are you doing?Kei te aha te kuia?
What is the old lady doing?Kei te aha te wūruhi?
What is the wolf doing?Kei te aha rātou?
What are they (3+) doing?Kei te aha a Jacob?
What is Jacob doing?Kei te aha te ngeru?
What is the cat doing?Kei te aha te kaiako ki ngā tauira?
What's the teacher doing with the students?