Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

The past tense is indicated by using the tense marker i te:

I te oma au.
I was running.

This can also be used as a locative, to indicate where something was. For example:

I te kura ia.
She was at school.

This is very similar to the use of kei as a locative, saying where someone or something is at the moment:

Kei te kura ia.
She is at school.

I te toa.
At the store.

I te ara haere atu i Waiuku ki Te Maioro.
On the path from Waiuku to Te Maioro.

I a rāua te waka i te ata nei.
They had it this morning.

I runga i te ara te motokā.
The car was on the road.

I te taha katau o te waka te kurī.
The dog was to the right of the car.

I konei tonu.
It was right here.

I roto i te whare ngā pukapuka.
The books were inside the house.

I te kāinga ahau ināpō.
I was at home last night.

I te whare pikitia.
At the pictures.

I raro i te rākau a Rangi.
Rangi was under the tree.

I Ingarangi koe?
Were you in England?

I raro te ngeru i te tūru.
The cat was under the chair.

I hea te papakāinga?
Where was the settlement?

I te taha o te awa aua mea.
They were beside the river.

I mua i te kuaha ngā tamariki.
The children were in front of the door.

I taua wāhi te marae.
The marae was at that place.

I runga ake i te maunga ngā manu.
The birds were above the mountain.

I tōku tari au.
I was in my office.

I runga i te taraka.
On the truck.

I hea te pene?
Where was the pen?

I konei tonu.
It was right here.

I roto i te pouaka ngā āporo.
The apples were in the box.

I te tepu.
It was on the table.

I taku whaea ngā tamariki.
The children were with my mother.

I Disneyland au!
I was in Disneyland!

I runga i te tēpu.
On the table.

I raro i te tēpu.
Under the table.

I te waka rā, he tāne kau.
In the canoe, there was just a man (or: "there were just men").

I a ia āku pukapuka?
Did he have my books?

I te taha mauī o te tēpu te ngeru.
The cat was to the left of the table.

I runga te rorohiko i te tēpu.
The computer was on the table.

I runga te pene i te tēpu.
The pen was on the table.

I a Hōne ngā kī inapō.
Hōne had the keys last night.

I roto i te wharepaku a Hine.
Hine was in the bathroom.

I muri tēnei pukapuka i te tūru.
This book was behind the chair.

I hea te whare nui me ngā māra?
Where were the meeting house and the gardens?

I tōku tari au.
I was in my office.

I te marae, he aha te mahi a ngā koroua?
At the marae, what is the work of the elders?

I konei te toa.
The shop used to be here.

I te kura ia.
She was at school.

I runga ake te kapu i te tēpu.
The cup was above the table.

I muri i te whare te motokā.
The car was behind the house.

I runga i te tūru te pukapuka.
The book was on the chair.

I konei te toa.
The shop used to be here.

I a wai?
Who had it?

I a wai mā ngā paraikete?
Who had the blankets?

I reira te waka.
The car was there.

I te tama.
The boy had it.

I raro i te tēpu ngā hū.
The shoes were below the table.