Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...

Kāore ia i oma.
She didn't run.

Kāore ahau i haere me Rangi.
I did not go with Rangi.

Kāore au i hōhā i a koe.
I wasn't upset with you.

Kāore mātou i haere ki te tāone.
We did not go to town.

Kāore ngā kōtiro i whakaaro he hangarau, engari i kata he tama.
None of the girls thought it was funny, but a boy laughed.

Kāore he tamaiti i whānau.
No child is born.

Kāore a Kauri i hīkoi ki te kura.
Kauri didn't walk to school.

Kāore ia i pānui i tāna mahi-ā-kāinga.
He didn't read his homework.

Kāore au i maumahara ki te haora o te pahi tuatahi.
I can't remember the time of the first bus.

Kāore ia i tunu i te kai.
He didn't cook the food.

Kāore ia i pānui i tāna mahi-ā-kāinga.
He didn't read his homework.