Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

The future tense in te reo Māori uses ka as the time marker:

Ka haere au.
I will go.

To negate this we use kāore... e...

Kāore au e haere.
I will not go.

This is similar to how the present tense is negated, except that the particle used here is e rather than i:

Kāore au i haere.
I am not going.

Kāore tātou e harirū, ka hongi kē.
We won't shake hands, we'll press noses instead.

Kāore ahau e āhei te hīkoi mā raro.
I can't walk.

Kāore mātou e haere ki te tāone āpōpō.
We won't go to town tomorrow.

Kāore au e haere ki te mahi.
I will not go to work.

Kāore a Pāpā e whāngai i tēnei ngeru.
Dad will not feed this cat.

Kāore tātou e whai wā ki te haere ki te awa.
We're not going to have time to go to the river.

Kāore ngā putiputi e tupu i te marumaru.
The flowers will not flourish in the shade.

Kāore au e paku pai ki te inu waipiro.
I have no desire to drink alcohol.

Kāore tātou e haere ki te hokomaha ki te hoko i ngā hēki.
We are not going to the supermarket to buy eggs.

Kāore ia e mōhio ki te waiata.
He doesn't know how to sing.

Kāore mātou e haere ki te tāone i ngā Tāite.
We do not go to town on Thursdays.

Kāore ia e ū ki tāna kupu.
She doesn't do what she says she'll do.