Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 1
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i

I oma mai te kurī i raro i te tūru.
The dog ran out from under the chair.

Kawea atu ahau ki tō tumuaki!
Take me to your leader!

Kua tīkina ngā tamariki i te kura, ka rite te whānau ki te haere ki tātahi, hararei ai.
The kids have been fetched from school, the family is ready to go to the beach for a holiday.

Kua hoki mai koe i hea?
From where have you returned?

Kei te whakatika te ope i Heihei.
The party is setting out from Heihei.

I haere mai ia i tērā taha o Te Kao.
She came from beyond Te Kao.

Ko tēnei kupu, ko te "mārena" mea tango mai i te reo Pākehā.
This word, "mārena", was borrowed from English.

Kua haere mai a Ataahua i Kawatiri.
Ataahua has come from Westport.

Ka haria ki tētahi tohunga te pounamu e tāhaetia i te whare nui.
The greenstone which was stolen from the meeting house was taken to a tohunga.

Tangohia i te tēpu!
Take if off the table!

Tīkina he wai i te awa!
Get some water from the river!

Kāore tōku kāinga e tawhitei i te pāka.
My house is not far from the park.

Kore rawa au i mōhio i tīmata mai te pepa i te rākau.
I didn't know that paper came from trees.

Rere atu i reira!
Get out of here!

Kua hoki mai ia i te moana.
She has returned from the sea.

Haere atu i roto i tēnei whare.
Go away from this house.

He mea e hiahia ana koe i te tāone?
Do you want something from the town?

I haere mai ia i waho tonu o Taupō.
He came here from just outside Taupō.

I tāhaetia te patu pounamu i te whare taonga.
The greenstone patu was stolen from the museum.

Kei te kohi au i ētehi pukapuka mai i te whare pukapuka.
I'm getting some books from the library.

Kua wehe rātou i te rōpū matua.
They have separated from the parent organisation.

Kei te heke iho a Pita i te rākau.
Pita is descending down from the tree.

Kua hoki mai ngā kōtiro i te toa.
The girls have returned from the shop.

Kua hoki mai taku hoa i Amerika.
My friend has returned from America.

I te oma atu te hōiho i a Tame.
The horse was running away from Tame.

Kua hoki mai ia i te pahi.
She has come back from the bus.