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Nā rātou ērā rīhi paru.
Those dirty dishes are theirs.Nō Mere tēnei tūru.
This chair belongs to Mere.Nōku tēnei motopaika.
This motorbike is mine.Na wai ēnei taputapu katoa?
Whose is all this gear?Nāku tēnei pukapuka.
This book belongs to me.Nōu tēnei motokā.
This car is yours.Nāu tēnei?
Does this belong to you?Nā tātou ēnei hēki.
These eggs belong to us.Nāku tēnei maika, nāu tēnei ārani, nāna tērā tōtiti.
This banana is mine, this orange is yours, that sausage is his.Nāhau tēnei?
Does this belong to you?Nā ngā tauira tēnei pepa.
This paper belongs to the students.No ngā tāngata i roto i te whare nui.
They belong to all the people in the meeting house.Nōku tēnei waka rererangi.
This airplane is mine.No rātou tēnei poupou.
This house-post belongs to them.Nōu tērā, nōna tēnā, nōku tēnei.
That belongs to you, that belongs to her, this belongs to me.Nō te whānau tēnei whare.
This house belongs to the family.Nō wai te whare rā?
Who does that house belong to?Na Ari and Rina.
They are Ari's and Rina's.Nō ngā tauira tēnei paihikara.
This bicycle belongs to the students.Nā ngā kaiako ngā pukapuka.
The books belong to the teachers.Nōku tēnei whare.
This house is mine.Nāku ngā kura rā!
Those feathers belong to me!Na wai tēnei tamaiti?
Who does this child belong to?Nāu tēnei kapu.
This cup belongs to you.Nōna ēnei tīpuna.
These ancestors are his.Nā wai ēnei pene?
Who do these pens belong to?Nōku tēnei motoka.
This car is mine.Nō te marae ēnei tūru.
These chairs belong to the marae.Nā mātou ngā taputapu.
The tools belong to us.No Paikea ia.
He is descended from Paikea.Nāu tēnei kuri.
This dog belongs to you.Nāku tēnei kāri nama.
This credit card is mine.Nāku te moni nei.
This money is mine.Nōu tērā whare.
That house belongs to you.Nōku te koti nei.
This coat is mine.Nā ngā tamariki tēnei tāwhiri.
This kite belongs to the children.Nō te whānau tēnei whenua.
This land belongs to the family.Na wai te waka whero?
Who does the red car belong to?Mā wai ērā rahopūru?
Who are those avocados for?No te iwi whānui te whare nui, a Mataatua.
The meeting house Mataatua belongs to the whole tribe.Nōku tēnei hāte.
That shirt belongs to me.Nā tō rāua māmā tēnei.
This belongs to their mother.Nōku te whare iti.
The small house is mine.No wai mā ēnei hū?
Who do these shoes belong to?No Hawaiki tātou katoa.
We are all from Hawaiki.Nōku tēnei waka ātea.
This spaceship is mine.Nāku te rakuraku nā.
That guitar belongs to me.Nāku tērā waea pūkoro.
That's my mobile phone.Nāku te wāti nei,
This watch is mine.Nōku tēnei whare.
This house belongs to me.Nōku tēnei motokā.
This car is mine.Nōku ēnā hū.
Those shoes are mine.Nō rāua tērā waka.
That car belongs to them.Nō te kurī te whare rā.
That house belongs to the dog.Nāku ngā kī.
The keys are mine.Nā Mere tēnei rāpeti.
This rabbit belongs to Mere.Nō Tawa te paihikara.
The bike belongs to Tawa.Nōku ēnei hū Nike.
These Nike shoes are mine.Nā ngā tamariki te papa tākaro.
The playground belongs to the children.Nō Ngāti Awa a Nikau.
Nikau belongs to Ngāti Awa.Nā rāua ngā pukapuka e rua.
The two books belong to them.Nā ngā tamariki ēnei pukapuka.
These books belong to the children.Na wai ēnā kōtiro mōhio?
Whose are those clever girls?Nāku tēnei.
This belongs to me.Nōku te motopaika rā.
That motorbike over there is mine.No tōku tuahine ngā waka whero.
The red car belongs to my older sibling.Nā wai tēnei pene?
Who does this pen belong to?Na Manu taua waka whero.
That red car belongs to Manu.Nā ō tātou manuhiri pea?
Perhaps they belong to our guests?Nāku ērā pene.
Those pens belong to me.No Ahuriri rāua.
They are from Napier.Nā ngā tauira ēnei pene.
These pens belong to the students.Nāna tērā kapu.
That cup belongs to him.No Ngāti Whātua ia.
She belongs to Ngāti Whātua.Nāku tēnei pouaka whakaata.
This television is mine.Nōku tērā waka.
That car belongs to me.Nō Hine tēnei whare.
This house belongs to Hine.Nāku te kete nei.
This kit is mine.Nā Aria tēnēi pene.
This pen belongs to Aria.Nāu tēnei rorohiko.
This computer belongs to you.No Āhia pea te ritenga Māori.
Māori culture may have originated in Asia.Nā Pita tēnei kāmera.
This camera belongs to Pita.