Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 1
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko Ataahua tōna matuakēkē.
Ataahua is his aunty.

Ko Tūhawaiki te rangatira o Murihuku i tērā ray tau.
Tūhawaiki was the chief of Murihiku last century.

No Te Wai Pounamu tōu tipuna wahine.
Your grandmother is from the South Island.

Ko Tawa rāua ko Mia ōku hungarei.
Tawa and Mia are my inlaws.

Kāore tāua matua i haere ki tāna hui.
Our father did not go to his meeting.

He ō ā māua tamariki.
Our children have shoes.

Hoake tātou ki rāua whare.
Let's go to their house.

Ko to iwi Māori ngā tāngata whenua o Aotearoa.
The Māori people are the tāngata whenua of Aotearoa.

Ko Whakatū te kāinga o te tipuna tāne o te whānau.
The grandfather of the family lives in Nelson.

Kei hea ngā uri o Te Rangihiroa? Kāore ōna uri.
Where are the descendants of Te Rangihiroa? He had none.

Me piri koe ki tōu ope.
You must stick to your party.

Haere mai ki te mihi ki tōku whanau!
Come and meet my family!

Kua mate rawa ō tātou koroua katoa.
All our old men are dead.

Kei te haere māua hoa ki te whare o rāua whaea.
Our friend is going to their mother's house.

Ko ngā iwi katoa o te ao kua huihui mai i tēnei .
All the peoples of the world have gathered here today.

Manaakitia ōu kaumātua!
Respect your elders!

He toa ngā kuia o Waikato ki te kanikani.
The old ladies of Waikato are great dancers.

No Kawatiri ā koutou irāmutu.
Your nieces are from Westport.

He tatou rātou whare.
Their house has a door.

He tatau te whare.
The house has a door.

He kaumātua a Ari rāua ko Taika no tērā marae.
Ari and Taika are elders of that marae.

Ko Koa tōna matuakēkē.
Koa is his uncle.

Ko Ingarangi pea te kīnga tūturu o te nuinga o te iwi Pākehā.
The original home of most Pākehā people is probably England.

Ko Ani te whaea o Hēmi.
Ani is the mother of Hēmi.

Ko Manu te pāpā o Nikau.
Manu is Nikau's father.

He aha ngā whainga o koutou rōpū?
What are the objectives of your organisation?

Ko Moana te hoa wahine o Amaru.
Moana is the wife of Amaru.

E rua ōu whatu, kotahi tōu ihu.
You have two eyes and one nose.

Ko Kauri rāua tungāne.
Kauri is their cousin.

Ko Niko tōna hoa tane.
Niko is her husband.

Ko Ngāti Hāmuti Wera to ingoa o tērā iwi.
The name of that tribe is Ngāti Hāmuti Wera.

Kei hea ō koutou kamapūtu, tamariki ?
Where are your gumboots, children?

Ko Mere te tuahine o Mārama rāua ko Tamahae.
Mere is Marama's and Tamahae's cousin.