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Kua tikona e koe tōu kope.
You filled your nappy.Nei rā te mihi ki a koe.
Here indeed is my acknowledgement to you.Kua kai kōura koe?
Have you eaten crayfish?Me pono koe.
You should be honest.Kua haere koe ki Te Tai Tokerau?
Have you been to the Northland region?He pai te kite i a koe.
Nice to see you.Kāore i ngaro āku kī i ahau. I ngaro ēnā i a koe.
I didn't lose my keys. You lost them.Kei a koe mō te waiata.
You're a great singer.Tēnā rā koe e koro.
Hello elder.Kei te āhua harikoa koe.
You are somewhat happy.Kei mua koe i ahau.
You are in front of me.