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He ātaahua te ingoa o tō whaea. E hia tana pakeke?
Your mum's name is beautiful. How old is she?Kīhai i pīrangi tōna whaea ki a ia.
His mother did not want him.Ko tōku whaea te tuara whānui o tō mātou whānau.
My mother is the (broad back) anchor of our family.Ka rawe hoki! E hia te pakeke o tō whaea?
Excellent! How old is your mum?Ko wai te whaea?
Who is the mother?Ko Aroha te māmā.
Aroha is the mother.Ko Mereana tōku whaea.
Mereana is my mother.He rite a Amaru ki tōku māmā.
Amaru is just like my mother.Ka hōhā tō tāua māmā i a rātou.
Our mum's fed up with them.Ko Hēni tōku whaea.
Hēni is my mum.Whū, te kaha hoki o tō whaea!
Wow, your mother is strong!Tēnā hoatu tērā ki a Māmā.
Can you please pass that to Mum.Ka mau a Māmā i a mātou ki te one.
Mum is taking us to the beach.Ko te mēra mo tō māmā,.
They're the mail for your mother.Koia kei a koe mō te āwhina i tō whaea! I aha kōrua i te māra?
You're awesome for helping your mum. What did you do in the garden?He rite a Rāwiri ki tōna māmā.
Rāwiri is like his mother.Tautokohia tō whaea.
Support your mother.Pō mārie Māmā.
Goodnight mum.He rite te makawe o Kauri ki ō tōna whaea.
Kauri's hair is just like her mother's.Ngā mihi nui mō te Rā o te Whaea.
Happy Mother's day.Ko Fran tōku whaea.
Fran is my mother.He mea ui e ia ki tana whaea te mahi e mahia au aua tū mea nei.
The method by which these kind of things were made was something he asked his mother.I pakeke tō whaea i hea?
Where did your mum grow up?E aroha ana te whaea ki tāna tamaiti.
The mother loves her child.Ka waiho tonu tātou hei tinihangatanga mā tō tātou whaea.
We are always left cheated by our mother.He pai ki taku māmā tēnei momo hū.
My mum likes this type of shoe.Kia tūpato, kei riri tō mama.
Be careful, lest your mother gets angry,Kei te arohaina te tamaiti e tōna whaea.
The child is loved by his mother.Mō muri a Māmā ka hoki mai.
Mummy will come back later.Ko Ani tōku whaea kēkē, koia te tuahine o tōku pāpā.
Ani is my aunty, she is my father's sister.Kei te māra a Māmā.
Mum's in the garden.I te taha o taku māmā.
On my mum' s side.