Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore aku kupu.
I don't have anything to say.

Kāore ō tungāne?
Don't you have any brothers?

Kāore ōku tungāne.
I don't have brothers.

Kāore ō pātai?
Don't you have any questions?

Kāore ōku tuāhine.
I don't have sisters.

Kāore āku irāmutu.
I don't have nieces and nephews.

Kāore āku pātai.
I don't have any questions.

Kāore āku pātara wai.
I don't have a water bottle.

Kāore ō māua pōtae.
We don't have any hats.

Kāore aku moni.
I don't have any money.

Kāore ōku tungāne, he wāhine katoa mātou ngā tamariki.
I don't have any brothers, all of the children are female.

Kāore āku kurī.
I don't have any dogs/I don't have a dog.