Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He pātai tāu?
Do you have a question?

He pukapuka tāu?
Do you have a book?

He moni tāu?
Do you have money?

He haunga kumu?
Have you got a smelly bum?

He pene āku.
I have pens.

He rua ō ngā pōtiha.
The foxes have dens.

He kaupapa āna?
Does she have some things on?

He ngeru tāu?
Do you have a cat?

He waka tōu?
Do you have a car?

He pōro tāu?
Do you have a ball?

He tamariki āku.
I have children.

He tamariki ā Hine?
Does Hine have any children?

He irāmutu tāu?
Do you have a niece/nephew?

He pātai ā ngā tauira.
The students have a question.

He heihei āu?
Do you have any chickens?

He motokā Hōne.
Hōne has a car.

He wahine tāku.
I have a wife.

He pātai tāku.
I have a question.

He pukapuka tāku.
I have a book.

He aha tāu hei kai paramanawa?
What have you got for morning tea?

He tamaiti tāu?
Do you have a child?

He panekoti hou tōku.
I have a new skirt.

He ngeru ā rāua.
They have cats.

He mātauranga pai tōu.
You have a good education.

He pāreti mau e ?
Do you have a plate, Dad?

He toki tāu.
You have an axe.

He tamariki āu?
Do you have children?

He hoa tāu.
You have a friend.

He tuakana tōu?
Do you have an older sibling?

He hōiho ōu.
You have horses.

He tāu.
You have a key.

He tūru mātou.
We (excluding you) have a chair.

He tama tāku.
I have a boy.

He mōkai āku.
I have pets.

He tamariki āu e hoa?
Do you have any children, friend?

He waka rāua.
They (two people) have a car.

He ngutu nui ōku.
I have big lips.

He pukapuka ā rāua.
They (two people) have books.

He pene whero tāu?
Have you got a red pen?

He tāna?
Does he/she have a key?

He whakaaro tōu?
Do you have an idea?

He pātai ā koutou?
Do you have any questions?

He tamariki ā rāua.
They (two people) have children.

He waka tōku.
I have a car.

He kākahu ō koutou.
You have clothes.

He waka tōu?
Do you have a car?

He pēpi tāku.
I have a baby.

He āporo ā koutou.
You all have apples.

He waea Hine.
Hine has a phone.

He whakaaro ōu?
Do you have any ideas?

He kurī tāku. Ko Auau tōna ingoa.
I have a dog, his name is Auau.

He tungāne tōu?
Do you have brothers (to a female)?

He tuahine tōu?
Do you have a sister?

He aha tāu?
What do you have?

He aha ō moemoeā?
What dreams did you have?

He pātai ā te tauira?
Does the student have a question?

He tīkiti ā māua.
We (me and one other) have tickets.

He mātauranga pai tōu.
You have good knowledge.

He īmera tāu?
Do you have email?

He kuri ā rāua?
Do they have a dog?

He ō rātou.
They have shoes.

He pene tāku.
I have a pen.

He motukā tōu?
Do you have a car?

He mōkai ā koutou?
Do you (all) have any pets?

He kākahu hou ōu?
Do you have new clothes?

He whare tōku.
I have a house.

He rorohiko tāna.
He/She has a computer.

He pene tāku.
I have a pen.

He tungāne ōu?
Do you have any brothers?

He tamaiti tāua.
We have a child.

He tamāhine ā rāua.
Those two have daughters.

He pātai ā ngā tauira.
The students have questions.

He hui tāku ā te Rātapu.
I have a hui on Sunday.

He waka hou tōku.
I have a new car.

He pōtae ōu.
You have hats.

He tamariki āku?
Do you have children?

He whare mātou.
We have a house.

He pene tāu?
Do you have a pen?

He pukapuka Hine.
Hine has a book.

He hou ā koe?
Do you have new shoes?