Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 1
What? - He aha?

He aha tēnā?
What is that?

He aha te wāhi pai ki a koe?
What place do you like?

He aha tēnei momo kai?
What type of food is this?

He aha tēnei?
What is this?

He aha te kupu Māori mō time?
What's the Māori word for time?

He aha te utu o tēnei kurī i roto i te matapihi o te toa?
What's the price of this dog in the shop window?

He aha te tae o tōu whare?
What is the colour of your house?

He aha kei waho i te matapihi?
What's outside the window?

He aha taku kaupapa kōrero?
What is the theme of the conversation?

He aha tōu ā te wāhanga tuarua?
What do you have period two?

He aha mō runga i ō hēki kaurori?
What would you like on your scrambled eggs?

He aha koe?
What are you?

He aha te wā?
What is the time?

He aha te utu o tēnei āporo?
What's the price of this apple?

He aha ērā tikanga?
What are those customs?

He aha kei roto i te kāpata?
What's in the cupboard?

He aha te tāone pai ki a koe?
What town do you like?

He aha tō mahi?
What is your job?

He aha tā tātou?
What do we want?

He aha te kupu Māori mō lollies?
What is the Māori word for lollies?

He aha te hapa pai ki a koe?
What dinner is good to you?

He aha te kupu Māori mō hat?
What's the Māori word for hat.

He aha ngā mea ngahau ki a koe?
What things do you find entertaining?

He aha tō pirangi hei kaikai?
What do you want to eat?

He aha tāu tūnga i tēnei wa?
What is your role at the moment?

He aha tā kōrua mahi i Pōneke?
What did you two get up to in Wellington?

He aha tō hiahia?
What do you want?

He aha ēnā?
What are those (by you)?

He aha tēnei rā?
What day is it?

He aha te tikanga o te raiti kākāriki?
What does the green light mean?

He aha tō pīrangi hei kai?
What do you want to eat?

He aha te tikanga o tēnā?
What does that mean?

He aha ngā rongonga kōrero?
What are the things you've heard?

He aha kei roto i te pēke?
What is inside the bag?

He aha kei waenganui i te rūma noho?
What's in the middle of the lounge?

He aha tō hiahia? He pāreti māu, he panakeke rānei e moko?
What do you want? Porridge or pancakes, grandchild?

He aha te pukapuka pai hei pānui mā ngā tamariki?
What is a good book for the children to read?

He aha te ingoa o tōu huarahi?
What's the name of your street?

He aha tētehi pukapuka reo Māori kua pānui koe i tēnei wiki?
What Māori language book have you read this week?

He aha?

He aha te nama?
What's the number?

He aha te kai kāore e pai ki a koe?
What food do you dislike?

He aha tā Ataahua?
What does Ataahua have?

He aha te tae o tēnā?
What colour is that?

He aha mō runga i tō tōhi?
What do you want on your toast?

He aha tāu i tēnei ata?
What did you do this morning?

He aha ērā?
What are those (over there)?

He aha ō moemoeā?
What dreams did you have?

He aha mō runga, e tai?
What do you want on it friend?

He aha kei waenganui i te rūma noho?
What's in the middle of the lounge?

He aha ngā mea papai ki a koe?
What do you like doing?

He aha māu?
What would you like?

He aha tēnei?
What is this?

He aha te tikanga o te raiti whero?
What does the red light mean?

He aha te kaimoana pai ki a koe?
What seafood do you like?

He aha te tae o ōna karu?
What colour are her eyes?

He aha te whakautu?
What's the answer.

He aha ngā hākinakina pai ki a koe?
What sport do you like?

He aha te tina pai ki a koe?
What lunch do you like?

He aha tō tino kai?
What is your favourite food?

He aha te whakahoki tika?
What's the correct response?

He aha tāna?
What does s/he have?

He aha kei runga i te tēpu?
What's on the table?

He aha ngā kōrero o te wā?
What is the talk of the day?

He aha te hē o tō tama?
What's wrong with your son?

He aha tērā?
What is that (over there)?

He aha te ingoa o tōu huarahi?
What's the name of your street?

He aha kei roto i ana ringaringa? He kiore?
What's that in his hands? A rat?

He aha te hākinakina pai ki a koe?
What sport do you like?

He aha tāu e pīrangi ana?
What is it that you want?

He aha kei roto i te pouaka?
What is inside the box?

He aha tēnā haunga?
What's that smell?

He aha tā Rangi e pīrangi ana?
What does Rangi want?

He aha tā Amaru e kōrero ana?
What is Amaru talking about?

He aha te kai pai ki a koe?
What is your favorite food?

He aha te parakuihi pai ki a koe?
What breakfast do you like?

He aha te kupu Māori mō 'awesome'?
What's the Māori word for 'awesome'?

He aha ērā?
What are those (over there)?

He aha te rahi o tēnei pane koti?
What size is this skirt?

He aha te mahi a te kurī inanahi nei?
What is the dog doing now?

He aha te mea pai ake?
What's better?

He aha te taima?
What is the time?

He aha ēnei?
What are these?

He aha te kaupapa o tēnei akoranga?
What's the subject of this lesson?

He aha te tae o tēnei?
What colour is this?

He aha te take mō tēnei?
What is the purpose of this?