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Ko tēhea kua whakapaitia?
Which has been fixed?Ko ēhea ngā pukapuka kua pānuitia e koe?
Which books have you read?Ko tēhea rā o te wiki tēnei?
Which day of the week is this?Ko tēhea te mahi kua oti?
Which is the work which has been completed?Ko tēhea a Ruataupare?
Which one was Ruataupare?Ko ēhea ngā rōia?
Which are the lawyers?Ko tēhea kaupapa te mea pai rawa ki a koe?
Which subject do you like the most?Ko tēhea waka tōu?
Which car is yours?Ko ēhea waka ōu?
Which cars are yours?Ko tēhea te kapu pai ki a koe?
Which cup do you like?Ko ēhea kāore i te haere mai?
Which ones are not coming?Ko tēhea te mea pai ake?
Which is better?Ko tēhea kaupeka o te tau tēnei?
Which season of the year is this?Ko ēhea tāngata ngā rōia?
Which people are the lawyers?Ko tēhea te tāone pai ki a koe mō te hararei?
Which town do you like for a holiday?Ko tēhea rā o te marama tēnei?
Which day of the month is this?Ko tēhea te tāone pai ki a koe?
Which town do you like?Ko tēhea tangata te rōia?
Which person is the lawyer?Ko tēhea te rōia?
Which is the lawyer?Ko tēhea te rākau teitei rawa o Aotearoa?
Which tree is the tallest in Aotearoa?