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Ka heke iho ko ngā roimata.
The tears fall down (representing the rain).Kei te heke iho ngā tāngata i te ara piki.
People are coming down the path.Ka titiro iho te marama ki a Rona.
The moon looked down at Rona.Te rangonga o te iwi o te pā i te haruru, ka oma iho ki te mātakitaki haka.
When the people of the pā heard the noise, they ran down to hear the haka.Kua here iho te utu.
The price has come down.Kua tau iho te kōtuku.
The white heron has landed.Kei te heke iho a Taika ki raro.
Taika is heading down to the bottom.Whātuia iho a runga o te kākahu kotahi e mau rā i a ia.
The top of the garment she wore was folded down.Kei te heke iho a Koa i te rākau.
Koa is descending down from the tree.Ātaahua hoki te tiaho iho o ngā whetū!
How lovely the stars are shining down!