Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 1
Numbering people - tokorua, tokotahi...

Kāore aku tamariki, engari he tokomaha āku irāmutu, tekau rima rātou.
I don't have any kids, but I have many nieces and nephews, there are fifteen of them.

Tokoono ngā tauira.
There are six students.

Tokorua aku tēina, tokotoru aku tuahine.
I've got two younger brothers (and) I have three sisters.

Ka whakatika aua wāhine nei, ka whai atu i taua tokotoru.
Those women stood up and followed those three.

Tokorua ngā hoa.
There are two friends.

Tokoiti ngā manuhiri.
There are a few guests.

Tokorima ngā tāngata.
There are five people.

Tokotoru ngā tangata kaumātua.
There are three elders.

te tataunga o Taranga i ana tamariki, tokorima rātou.
When Taranga counted her children, there were five instead.

Ā, tekau mātou, tokowaru ngā tamariki.
Ah, there are ten of us, eight kids.

Tokowhitu ngā kaiako.
There are seven teachers.

Tokowaru ngā pirihimana.
There are eight police officers.

Tekau rua ngā tamariki.
There are twelve children.

E āhei ana au ki te kawe i ētehi tamariki tokorima i tōku waka.
I can transport five kids on my car.

Tokorua ngā tamariki.
There are two children.

Kotahi te kuia, tokotoru ngā tamariki.
One grandmother, three children.

Kei raro nei he kōrero ētahi tamariki tokotoru.
The following is a simple story about three children.