Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...


Ko koe te tuatahi ki te kōrero i roto i tēnei karaihe.
You are the first to speak in this class.


Tuatahi, whakakāngia te umu.
First, turn on the oven.

Hei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.

A te wiki tuatahi o Tīhema mutu ai te kura.
School will finish in the first week of December.

Huri ki te whārangi tuatoru.
Turn to page three.

He pai ake te wāhanga tuatahi o te pukapuka nei i te wāhanga tuarua.
The first chapter is better than the second chapter of this book.

Tuatahi, horoia ringaringa.
First, wash your hands.

Ko te tuatahi o te hararei āpōpō.
It's the first day of the holiday tomorrow.

He aha tōu ā te wāhanga tuarua?
What do you have period two?

Tuatahi, horoia ngā kākahu, tuarua whakamarokehia ngā perēti.
First wash the clothes, second dry the plates.

Tuarua, whakamarokehia ngā perēti.
Secondly, dry the plates.

Tuatahi me mihi ki te hunga mate. Tuarua me mihi ki te hunga ora.
Firstly you should acknowledge the dead (group of dead people). Secondly you should acknowledge the living (group of living people)

Ko te tuatahi hei te Rāhoroi.
The first will be on Sunday.

I tākaro mātou i te kōti tuarua.
We played on the second court.

Ko James te tamaiti tuarua o te whānau
James is the second child in the family.

Kei te papa tākaro tuatahi taku kēmu.
My game is on the first field.

Kātahi anō au ka tae mai ki runga i tēnei marae.
This is my first time on this marae.

A te wiki tuatahi o Tīhema, mutu ai te kura.
School will finish in the first week of December.

Pānuihia mai te whārangi tuarua.
Read me the second page.

Te rārangi tuarua.
The second line.

Hei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.


Ka tīmata taku tama i te kura ā te wāhanga tuarua o te tau.
My son will start school in the second part of the year.