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Ehara mā Mere e karanga ngā manuhiri.
Mere won't call the guests.Ehara mā te kaiako ngā ture e whakamārama.
The teacher won’t explain the rules.Ehara māu te rā e whakarite.
You won’t plan the day.Ehara māu ngā kai e hoko.
You won't buy the food.Ehara māu te waka e taraiwa.
You won’t drive the car.Ehara mā rātou te kēmu e takatū.
They won’t prepare the game.Ehara māna te whare e horoi.
She won’t clean the house.Ehara mā Hine te kōrero e tuku atu.
Hine won’t give the speech.Ehara māku te rīhi e horoi.
I won’t wash the dish.Ehara māna ngā kai e hoko.
She won't buy the food.Ehara mā rāua te motokā e taraiwa.
They (two) won’t drive the car.Ehara māna ngā kai e hoko.
She won't buy the food.Ehara mā mātou ngā rīhi e horoi.
We won’t wash the dishes.Ehara māku ngā kai e hoko.
I won't buy the food.Ehara mā rāua ngā pukapuka e pānui.
They (two) won’t read the books.Ehara mā ngā hoa ngā pukapuka e whakahoki ki te whare pukapuka.
The friends won’t return the books to the library.Ehara mā Mere ngā kai e kawe.
Mere won’t bring the food.Ehara māu ngā kai e hoko.
You won't buy the food.Ehara mā rāua te motokā e whakatika.
They won’t fix the car.Ehara mā rātou ngā manuhiri e pōhiri.
They won't welcome the guests.Ehara māku ngā kai e hoko.
I won't buy the food.Ehara mā Hōne ngā pukapuka e whakahoki.
Hōne won’t return the books.Ehara māku ngā tamariki e ārahi ki te kura.
I won’t lead the children to school.Ehara mā ngā tamariki te tēpu e whakapai.
The children won’t set the table.Ehara mā rātou ngā manuhiri e pōhiri.
They won't welcome the guests.Ehara mā ngā tamariki te kēmu e tākaro.
The children won’t play the game.Ehara mā ngā kaiako ngā tauira e whakaako.
The teachers won’t teach the students.Ehara mā Pita te kai e tunu.
Pita won’t cook the food.Ehara māku ngā hū e hoko.
I won’t buy the shoes.Ehara māku te kākahu e whakamaroke.
I won’t dry the clothes.Ehara mā ngā mātua ngā tamariki e āwhina.
The parents won’t help the children.Ehara māna e mau mai ngā kai.
She won't bring the food.Ehara māku te mahi e oti.
I won’t finish the work.Ehara māna e mau mai ngā kai.
She won't bring the food.Ehara mā rāua te māra e whakatipu.
They won’t tend to the garden.Ehara mā Mere e karanga ngā manuhiri.
Mere won't call the guests.