Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

Mehe manu rere au, kua rere ki tō moenga.
If I were a bird that could fly, I would fly to your bed.

Ka kōrero a Toto, ki ana kōtiro, mehemea e pai rāua ki te moe tāne.
Toto asked his daughters if they wanted husbands.

Ka kōrero a Toto ki ana kōtiro, mehemea e pai rāua ki te moe tāne.
Toto asked his daughters if they wanted to get married.

Mehemea ka kite he kurī i tētahi tangata, ke auau.
If a dog sees someone, it barks.

Mehemea ka ua āpōpō, kāore au e haere ki te mahi.
If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to work.


Waea mai mēnā ka taea.
Give me a call if you can.

Mehemea heke te ua, ka haere mātou ki te tāone.
If the rain falls, we will go to town.

Mehemea ka heke te hukapapa, ke haere mātou ki te maunga.
If the snow falls, we will go to the mountain.

Mēnā ka haramai koe, ka tunu kai au mā tāua.
If you come over, I will cook food for us.

Mehemea nō konei koe, e āhei ana koe te tono karahipi i te Poari.
If you're from here, you can or are eligible to apply for a scholarship from the Board.

Mehemea ko au, e kore au e whakaae. Heoi anō, ko koe kē te rangatira, ehara i a au.
If it were me, I wouldn't agree to it. Still / However, you're the boss, not me.

Mehemea ka whiti te rā, ka haere mātou ki tātahi.
If the sun shines we will go to the beach.

Mehemea ki te kore e matu tō makamaka i te pāore, ka tangohia e au.
If you don't stop playing with the ball, I'll take it away.

Mehemea ka hoko au i tēnei tarau, ka pau aku moni.
If I buy this shirt, I'll have no money.

Me whakapā atu ki a Nikau ina ka taea.
Contact M1 if and when you can.