Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
If using ki - ki

Ki te rite tau ki taku, me hoki koe i a au.
If your feelings are the same as mine, you should return with me.

Ki te kitea noatia e tētahi tangata mea...
If someone just sees something...

Ki te tīmata te ua, ka noho tātou ki te kāinga.
If the rain starts, we will stay home.

Ki te mutu te ua, ka haere ahau.
If it stops raining I will go.

Ki te tae mai he ope, me pōhiri.
If a group arrives, they must be welcomed.

Ki te hoki wawa mai a Pita, ka koa ahau.
If Pita comes back on time, I will be happy.

Ki te ua āpōpō, ka noho tāua ki te kāinga, kei mākū.
If it rains tomorrow, we will stay home in case we get wet.

Ki te whiti te rā āpōpō, ka haere tātau ki tātahi.
If the sun shines tomorrow, we will go to the beach.

Ki te haere koe mā raro, ka tōmuri kope.
If you go on foot, you will be late.

Ki te tōmuri a Rangi, ka hōhā au.
If Rangi is late, I will be annoyed.

Ki te wehe moāta tātau, ka tae wawe tātau ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
If we leave early, we will arrive in Wellington on time.