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Tokohia ā koutou ākonga?
How many students do you have?Tokoiwa pea.
About nine (people).Tokohia ō rātou kaikōrero i tēnei rā?
How many speakers have they got today?Ki tōku whakaaro, e rima tekau aua kāinga.
In my estimation, there are fifty of those settlements.Kotahi tonu.
Just the one.Tokohia pea ā mātou ākonga.
We have about nine students.E hia rānei ērā kāinga tawhito?
How many of those old settlements would there be?Ka hia kiromita ki Mōhaka?
How many kilometers to Mōhaka?E hia ngā pune me ngā pāoka?
How many spoons and forks are there?E ono ngā pune, e rima ngā pāoka.
Six spoons and five forks.E hia ngā rākau whero?
How many red sticks are there?Tokohia ngā tāmgata?
How many people are there?Tekau mā waru ngā pereti, a rua tekau mā tahi ā tātou kapu.
There are eighteen plates and we have twenty-one cups.