Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...

Ehara i a koe te whare i whakapai.
You did not clean the house.

Ehara i ahau te kai i tunu.
It was not me who cooked the food.

Ehara i a ia te kai i tunu.
She was not the one who cooked the food.

Ehara i āku tamariki ngā kākau i pōkai.
My children didn't fold the clothes.

Ehara i a ia tō māua waka i whakatika.
He didn't fix our car.

Ehara i tō māua pāpā tēnei keke i tunu.
Our father didn't cook this cake.

Ehara i tōku hoa ō māua kākahu i horoi.
My friend didn't wash our clothes.

Ehara i Koa te hui i whakarite.
Koa didn't organise the hui.

He pai ake tō tīma i tōku tīma.
Your team is better than my team.

Ehara i ahau ngā hōiho i whāngai i tēnei ata.
I didn't feed the horses this morning.

Ehara i a koe te kai i tunu.
You were not the one who cooked the food.

Ehara i a koe te kai i tunu inapō.
You didn't cook our food last night.