Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
Asking "when" with ai - ā hea... ai?

We can ask when something will happen by using ā hea?

Ā hea te hui tīmata?
When is the meeting?

Ā hea te kemu?
When is the game?

If we add ai to the end of the sentence, we ask, more specifically, when something will begin:

Ā hea te hui tīmata ai?
When will the meeting begin?

Ā hea te kemu ai?
When will the game start?

Ā hea tātou hui ai?
When are we meeting?

Ā hea kōria mārena ai?
When will you two get married?

Ā hea te hui tīmata ai?
When will the meeting begin?

Āpōpō te hui tīmata ai.
The meeting will begin tomorrow.