Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 4
Nominaliztion, noun endings - -nga

A verb (a going word, such as "run", "walk", "sing") in te reo can be turned into a noun by adding an ending, or a suffix to the word.

-nga, -anga, -hanga, -inga, - kanga, -manga, -ranga, -tanga, -whanga

For example:

tangi = to cry
tangihanga = a funeral

rangatira = to be esteemed
rangatiratanga = sovereignty

ako = to learn, to teach
akonga = learning, student

haere = to go
haerenga = journey, trip

māuiui = to be sick
māuiuitanga = sickness, illness

mōhio = to know
mōhiotanga = knowledge

noho = to sit, to stay, to live
nohoanga = seat, residence

rongo = to hear, to feel
rongonga = news, information