Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 4
Another, a different - tētahi atu

Kuhuna ētahi atu kākahu.
Put some other clothes on.

Ka kōrero ia ki tētahi atu āpiha.
He talked to another officer.

Ka kite hoki i ētahi atu rerekētanga, engari, mō te reremahi, kahore.
There are other differences as well, but for verbal sentences, there aren't any.

E whakaae ana ētahi, engari kāore anō ētahi atu kia whakaae.
Some agree, but others have not yet agreed.

Kāore au i te pai ki tēnei pāhotanga. Whakawhiti ki tētahi atu.
I don't like this programme. Change over to a different one.

He pai ake pea kia haere atu ki tētahi atu kura kaua ko tēnei.
Perhaps its better if she goes to a different school, not this one.