Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 4
Or... - ...rānei

He aha tō hiahia? He pāreti māu, he panakeke rānei e moko?
What do you want? Porridge or pancakes, grandchild?

He wītipiki, he kāngarere, he pāreti rānei?
Weetbix, cornflakes or porridge?

Me kaha, me waimeha rānei tō tī?
A strong or a weak tea?

Kei te tika, kei te hē rānei ēnei kōrero.
These statements are true or false.

E āhei ana tēnei pū tohu wā te noho hei wāhipa, wātū hoki rānei.
The time marker can also be used for present or past tense.

He pango, he parauri rānei ngā makawe o tō tama?
Is you son's hair black or brown?

He reka rānei, he kawa rānei?
Is it sweet or sour?

Kei te haere mai koe rānei?
Are you coming with us or not?

He reka, he kawa rānei?
Is it sweet or sour?

Ka waiatatia tēnei, tērā waiata rānei e tātou?
Will we sing this song or that song?

Kei te kai rānei koe?
Are you going to eat or not?

Ka haere rātou mā Te Wairarapa mā Tararua rānei.
They will either go via the Wairarapa or Tararua.

Nāku, nāu rānei?
is this mine or yours?

Kei te kai, kei te inu rānei koe?
Are you eating or drinking?

Āe rānei?
Yes or no?

Kei te haere mai koe, kāore rānei?
Are you coming with us or not?

Nō konei rānei koe?
Are you from here or not?

Māku, māu rānei?
Me or you?

Nāku, rānei?
Is this mine or not?