Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara tēnei pukapuka i te pai ki a koe?
Do you not like this book?

Ehara ngā hōiho i te pai ki a Hōne.
Hōne does not like horses.

Ehara ngā pukapuka o te whare i te pai ki a rāua.
They do not like the books in the house.

Ehara tēnei kēmu i te pai ki ahau.
I do not like this game.

Ehara te rorohiko hou i te pai ki a koe?
Do you not like the new computer?

Ehara tērā pōtae i te pai ki te kōtiro.
The girl does not like that hat.

Ehara ngā kai moana i te pai ki a ia.
He does not like seafood.

Ehara tēnei kiriata i te pai ki a koe?
Do you not like this movie?

Ehara te kēmu hou i te pai ki ngā tamariki.
The children do not like the new game.