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Ehara ērā i ngā mea tawhito.
Those are not the old ones.Ehara tēnei i te papa tākaro.
This is not a playground.Ehara a Mere i te kaiako nui.
Mere is not an important teacher.Ehara tērā rākau i te tōtara.
That tree is not a tōtara.Ehara te manu pango i te manu māori.
The blackbird is not a native bird.Ehara ia i te wahine atamai.
She is not a clever woman.Ehara tērā i te ngeru.
That is not a cat.Ehara koe i te āwhina.
You are not a helper.Ehara ngā tamariki i te kaitākaro.
The children are not athletes.Ehara tāu i tēnā.
That one is not yours.Ehara tērā tāne i te rangatira.
That man is not the boss.Ehara i a ia te whare i whakapai.
She did not clean the house.Ehara ia i te tāne ranginamu.
He is not a handsome man.Ehara tērā i a Pāora, ko Aria kē.
That person is not Pāora, it is Aria.Ehara a Ataahua i te kaiako.
Ataahua isn't a teacher.Ehara te kaiako i te kaikōrero.
The teacher is not a speaker.Ehara ngā tēina i te tohunga whakairo.
The younger ones are not master carvers.Ehara i te mīti kau (te hapa pai ki a au).
It's not meat (the dinner that I like).Ehara koe i te kaikōrero.
You are not a speaker.Ehara a Hera i te matua.
Hera is not a parent.Ehara tēnei mahi i te mahi ngāwari.
This work isn't easy work.Ehara au i te kaiako.
I am not a teacher.Ehara te tāne i te kaihanga.
The man is not a builder.Ehara i te miti kau te hapa pai ki a au.
It's not meat that I like for dinner.Ehara ia i te nēhi.
She is not a nurse.Ehara tērā i te mea tawhito.
That is not the old one.Ehara koe i te tangata poto.
You aren't a short person.Ehara rāua i te ākonga.
They aren't students.Ehara tēnei i te hokomaha.
This is not a supermarket.Ehara tērā i te Pirimia.
That's not the Prime Minister.Ehara! Mōhio au ki te pātai, kāore au i te mōhio ki te whakautu!
On the contrary! I know the question, I don't know the answer!Ehara ngā rangatira i a Moki rāua ko Tū-te-kawa.
Moki and Tū-te-kawa were not the chiefs.Ehara tōku pāpā i te rangatira.
My father is not a leader.Ehara ia i te pēpi.
He isn't a baby.Ehara koe i te hoa pai.
You are not a good friend.Ehara ōna waka i a Aotea, i a Tākitimu, i a Mataaua.
Aotea, Tākitimu and Mataaua are not his canoes.Ehara āu i ēnā.
Those ones are not yours.Ehara i a Rangi ēnei putiputi i katokato.
Rangi didn't pick these flowers.Ehara māu te kai nei.
This food isn't for you.Ehara ia i te kaitākaro whutupōro.
She is not a rugby player.Ehara tēnā i te whakaaro pai e tama.
That's not a good idea guys.Ehara koe i te tangata mākoko.
You're not a lazy person.Ehara tēnā pereti i te wera.
That plate is not hot.Ehara ēnei i te ara kikino.
These are not bad roads.Ehara i a au te pōtae nei.
This hat is not mine.Ehara i a rātou ngā manuhiri i pōhiri.
They didn't welcome the guests.Ehara te teina i te tohunga whakairo.
The younger one is not a master carver.Ehara i a mātou te kai i tunu.
We did not cook the food.Ehara i a au te karakia i taki.
I was not the one who recited the prayer.Ehara a Ari rāua ko Moana i te mātua.
Ari and Moana are not parents.Ehara tērā rākau i te tōtara, he rimu kē.
That is not a tōtara, it's actually a rimu.Ehara tō hoa i te tangata anuhea.
Your friend isn't an ugly person.Ehara a Mia i te tangata mahi kai.
Mia isn't a hunter-gatherer-grower of food.Ehara ia i te tangata atawhai.
He is not a kind person.Ehara te ākonga i te māngai.
The student is not a representative.Ehara ia i te kaiako.
He is not a teacher.Ehara ia i te tamaiti kaha.
He is not a strong child.Ehara a Rangi i te tangata pakari.
Rangi is not a mature person.Ehara mō Māui taku kōrero.
My talk is not about Māui.Ehara koe i te tangata mohio.
You are not a knowledgeable person.Ehara au i te ākonga.
I am not a student.Ehara tēnei i te ara kino.
This is not a bad road.Ehara ērā i te ngeru.
Those are not cats.Ehara ia i te hamo pango.
She's not a coward.Ehara a Nikau i te kaitaraiwa pahi.
Nikau is not a bus driver.Ehara ia i te tangata.
Ehara is not a man.Ehara tērā wahine i te kaiako.
That woman isn't a teacher.Ēhara i a Ponga te hē nei.
The fault is not Ponga's.Ehara tēnei i te motokā.
This is not a car.Ehara tērā i a Hēmi.
That is not Hēmi.Ehara a Hēmi i te pirihimana.
Hēmi is not a policeman.Ehara rāua i te kaiwhakaako.
They are not teachers.Ehara tēnei i te mahi uaua.
This is not a difficult task.Ehara i a au te whare i whakapai.
I didn't clean the house.Ehara tōku whaea i te kuia.
My mother is not an elder.Ehara tērā i te kārearea, he kāhu kē.
That is not a falcon, it is actually a hawk.Ehara i a koe te whare i whakapai.
You did not clean the house.