Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...

Pēnei au ka whiti mai te rā - engari anō!
I thought the sun would shine. Not so!

Pēnei mātou kei Rarotonga tonu koe!
We thought you were still in Rarotonga!

Pēnei māua kei tāwāhi tonu koe!
We thought you guys were still overseas!

Pēnei au kua whakakore kē a John i te inu waipiro, engari i kite au i a ia e inu ana i te waina i te wharewaina.
I thought that John had already quit drinking, but I saw him drinking wine in the winery.

Pēnei ia ka waiata koe.
He thought you would sing.

Pēnei au kua mate kē a Elvis, engari i kite au i a ia i Ōtaki.
I thought that Elvis was dead, but I saw him in Ōtaki.

Pēnei au i te moe koe.
I thought you were asleep.

Pēnei mātou kei te wharepukapuka tonu koe!
We thought you were still in the library!

Pēnei au kei taku whare.
I thought it was in my house.

Pēnei au i te whakatā koe.
I thought you were resting.

Pēnei au kua haere kē koutou.
I thought you had already gone.

Pēnei mātou kei te wharekai tonu koe!
We thought you were still in the restaurant!

Pēnei au ka māmā te whakamātautau - tēnā pōhēhē tēnā.
I thought the exam would be a piece of cake - I was wrong.

Pēnei au he kurī tērā, engari he ngeru tonu.
I thought that was a dog, but it turns out it was a cat.

Pēnei au he māmā noa iho te oma ki tātahi.
I thought running to the beach would be a piece of cake.

Pēnei au kua timata kē te hui.
I thought the meeting had already started.

Pēnei a Pāpā e tunu ana koe i te tina.
Dad thought you were cooking dinner.

Pēnei au ka māmā te oma i te toru kiromita - tēnā pōhēhē tēnā.
I thought running three kilometres would be a piece of cake - that was wrong.

Pēnei au he kōtiro ia.
I thought he was a girl.

Pēnei au kei taku pēke.
I thought it was in my bag.

Pēnei a Māmā e tunu ana koe i te parakuihi.
Mum thought you were cooking breakfast.

Pēnei au he Pākehā ia, engari he Māori tonu.
I thought she was a Pākehā, but it turns out she's Māori.

Pēnei au kua wehe rāua, engari i kite au i a rāua e pupuri ringa ana, e whakaipoipo tonu ana i te tāone.
I thought they'd broken up, but I saw them holding hands and looking pretty loved up in town.

Pēnei au kei taku pūkoro.
I thought it was in my pocket.

Pēnei au he keke panana, engari he kāroti tonu.
I thought it was a banana cake, but it turns out it was carrot.

Pēnei au he māmā noa iho te whatu kākahu.
I thought it would be easy as to knit clothes.

Pēnei au he wharekura tērā, engari he wharepukapuka tonu.
I thought that was a school, but it turns out it was a library.