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Tēnā tapahia he wahie?
Could you please chop some wood?Tēnā mahia mai he rēwena mā tātou, e te tau?
Could you please make us some bread, dearest?Tēnā mahia mai he kapu tī mā māua?
Can you please make us (2) a cup of tea?Tēna whāngaia te ngeru?
Would you please feed the cat?Tēnā, hōmai he pene. Kua ngaro tāku.
Give me a pen please. I have lost mine.Tēnā mahia mai he tōhi māku.
Could you please make me some toast.Tēnā haria mai he āporo māku, e kō?
Can you bring me an apple please, dear?Tēnā hoatu tērā ki a Māmā.
Can you please pass that to Mum.Tēnā tīkina atu he kai mā kōrua.
Please, fetch some food for you two.Tēnā tīkina he tiakarete mā tātou.
Can you please grab us some chocolate.Tēnā mahi atu a kōrua mahi whakatika?
Could you two please go and do your chores?Tēnā koa, āta kōrero mai.
Please speak slowly.Tēnā tahia te mahau mua me te mahau muri?
Could you please sweep the front and back porch.Tēnā mahia mai he kapu tī māku?
Could you please make me a cup of tea.Tēnā koa, haere koe ki tō moenga.
Go to bed, please.Tēnā mahia mai he tī māku.
Please make a cup of tea for me.Tēnā, whakarongo mai.
Listen here, please.Tēnā mahia mai he tī māku.
Please make a tea for me.Tēnā tīkina he keke mā tātou.
Please fetch us some cake.Tēnā tangohia ngā kākahu i te rārangi?
Could you please remove the washing from the line?