Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

Hei aha te kapu tī, homai te wai rēmana.
Never mind the cuppa tea, give me a lemon drink.

Hei aha tāna kōrero.
Never mind what he is saying.

Hei aha te kāngarere me te pāreti.
Never mind the cornflakes and the porridge.

E kore e ua i te rangi nei, hei aha tō koti.
It's not going to rain today, never mind your coat.

Kia ahatia, ka hoki mai anō.
No worries, it will come back.

Kia ahatia, he māmā noa iho muku i te papa.
Never mind, the floor's easy to wipe.

Kia ahatia. Māku e whakatika.
It's all good. I will fix it.

Kia ahatia, he rā anō āpōpō.
It's all good, there's another day tomorrow.

Kia ahatia. He maha aku pene.
It's all good. Plenty more where he came from.

Hei aha te huka. Hei aha te miraka.
Never mind the sugar. Never mind the milk.

Hei aha ērā. Whakamahia ko ēnei.
Never mind those ones over there. Use these ones.

Hei aha ngā kākahu kaukau.
Never mind the togs.

Kia ahatia. Ka hoki mai tēnā pōtae ā tōna wā anō e tika ana.
No worries/it's all good. That hat will return when the times is right.

Kia ahatia. He rākau noa iho te papa, he māmā te horoi.
Never mind. It's a wooden floor. It's easy to clean.

Hei aha te pata kē, tīkina te pata tūturu.
Never mind the margarine, get the real butter.

Kia ahatia, ehara te toa i te mea nui.
Never mind, winning isn't everything.

Kia ahatia, māku koe e haute.
No worries, I will shout you.

Hei aha.
Never mind.

Hei aha te pata.
Never mind the butter.

Hei aha a Tame, he hīanga tana mahi.
Never mind Tame, he's up to mischief.

Kia ahatia, ka haere tonu koe ki te kura.
No worries, you're still going to school.

Hei aha tō hamarara.
Never mind (taking) your umbrella.

Hei aha tāu!
Never mind about what you say! Forget about it!

Hei aha mā Ari.
Never mind about Ari! Forget about him!

Hei aha tēnā!
Never mind about that! Forget it!