Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e

Taihoa e tuhituhi.
Don't start writing yet.

Taihoa e whakarere i te ngeru kia mau i a ia te kiore.
Don't shoo the cat until it has caught the mouse.

Taihoa tātou e īnoi kia horahia ngā kai katoa.
Hold off on karakia until all of the food is laid out.

Taihoa e horoi i ngā kākahu kia kī te ipu kākahu.
Don't wash the clothes until the clothes basket is full.

Taihoa koe e haere ki te wharepaku kātahi anō a Pāpā ka puta i reira.
Don't you go to the toilet, Pāpā has just come out.

Taihoa e mātakitaki pouaka whakaata kia mutu te horoi rīhi.
Hold off watching television until the dishes are done.

Taihoa e moe!
Don't go to sleep just yet!

Taihoa koutou e kai me whāngai te manuhiri i te tuatahi.
Don't eat yet, feed the visitors first.

Taihoa e pōtarotaro pātītī kei te mākū tonu te papa.
Don't mow the lawns the grass is still wet.

Taihoa e hīanga kia oti te mahi kāinga.
No mischief until the homework is finished.

Taihoa e moe.
Don't go to sleep just yet.

Taihoa kōrua e wehe.
Don't you two leave just yet.

Taihoa kōrua e oma.
Wait, you two, don't run.

Taihoa e mahi tēnā mahi.
Don't do that yet.

Taihoa e kai panakeke kia pania ki te miere maple i te tuatahi.
Don't eat pancakes, spread it with maple syrup first.

Taihoa tātou e whakatau me aha.
Let us not decide what to do just yet.

Taihoa kōrua e haere!
Don't you two go just yet!

Taihoa kōrua e oma!
Don't you two run off just yet!

Taihoa e haere!
Don't go yet!

Taihoa e haere.
Don't (you) go yet.

Taihoa koe e kōrero, whakarongo ka tahi.
Don't speak yet, listen first.

Taihoa e tīmata te hui.
Hold on, don't start the meeting just yet.

Taihoa koa!
Hold on!