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Nō tērā tau i tū ai ngā Taumāhekeheke o te Ao ki Poihākena.
It was last year that the Olympic Games were held in Sydney.Nō mua i te piringa ki a Rangi, ka moe a Papa rāua ko Tangaroa.
Before the union with Rangi, Papa was in a relationship with Tangaroa.Nō te iwa karaka rawa, ka tīmata te purei kāri.
Finally, at nine o'clock, the card games started.Nō te wā o te piringa o Rangi rāua ko Papa ka tupu te werawera, ka rērere te kohu.
At the time of the union of Rangi and Papa, the heat grew, the mist rose.Nō te wā o ngā tūpuna ēnei ritenga.
These customs come from the time of the ancestors.Nō te ata, ka kōrero ki a Koa i ngā mea katoa.
In the morning [he] told Koa everything.Nō muri i te piringa o Rangi rāua ko Papa ka whānau mai ngā tamariki.
After the union of Rangi and Papa, the children were born.Nō tētahi rangi o Nōema, ka whakamōhiotia mai kua whakaaetia tā mātou tono.
One day in November, we were informed that our application had been successful.Nō tērā atu tau a Ari i tūtaki ai ki a Pāora.
Ari met Pāora the year before last.Nō muri mai ka mate a Taika i te aroha.
Afterwards Taika fell in love.Nō te Hōngongoi, ka haere atu ia ki Tonga.
In July she went to Tonga.Nō te taenga mai hoki o ngā tauhou ki konei, ka arahina rātou e mātou ki te toka nei kia kite.
And when outsiders come to our district we lead them to this rock so they can see it themselves.Nō mua tata atu.
Shortly before.Nō muri tata mai ka whakamōtoro a Tangaroa i a Papa.
Shortly afterwards Papa was seduced by Tangaroa.Nō mua tata atu i tōna matenga, ka puta tana ōhākī ki tana whānau.
Shortly before his passing, he made his dying speech to his whānau.Nō te tau 1918 te rewharewha kino.
The deadly influenza struck in 1918.Nō mua noa atu te walkman i te ipod.
The Walkman came long before the ipod.Nō muri noa mai ka whānau mai ngā tamariki a Hēmi rāua ko Aria.
The children of Hēmi and Aria were born much later.Nō muri i tana hinganga i te pōtitanga, ka rihaina ia.
After his defeat in the election, he resigned.Nō te roa o te noho, ka mōhio a Kupe ko te wairua katoa o Kura e hiahia ana ki a ia.
From the length of time they stayed, Kupe knew that Kura's entire spirit desired him.Nō mua atu i tērā te hū o Tarawera - nō te tau 1886.
The Tarawera eruption happened before that - in 1886.Nō te marama o Paenga-whāwhā i hui ai ngā tāngata whenua o te ao.
In April, indigenous people from round the world gathered.Nō nahea a Rangi i tūtaki ai ki a Aria?
When did Rangi meet Aria?Nō te ata ka kōrero ki a Toto i ngā mea katoa.
In the morning [he] told Toto everything.Nō tētahi pō kei te purupuru a Māui i te whatitoka!
One night, Maui stopped up the chinks in the door.Nō muri tata mai.
Shortly after.Nō tēnei wā, ka tae mai mai ngā kōtiro a Toto.
At this moment, Toto's daughters arrived.Nō tērā Rāhoroi rātou i tae atu ai.
It was last Saturday that they arrived there.Nō tērā Rātū, ka takoki taku raparapa.
Last Tuesday, I sprained my wrist.Nō muri mai ka whakamā ia i tāna mahi.
Afterwards she felt embarrassed by what she had done.Nō te tataunga o Taranga i ana tamariki, tokorima kē rātou.
When Taranga counted her children, there were five instead.Nō muri, ka āmio haere ia i ngā moutere e rua nei.
Afterwards, he circumnavigated these two islands.Nō te whā karaka i te ahiahi rātou i tīmata ai.
It was four o'clock in the afternoon when they started.Nō tētahi Rāmere, kāore ia i tae mai ki te mahi.
One Friday, she didn't turn up for work.Nō te Rātapu mātou i haere ai ki Ōtaki.
It was Sunday when we went to Ōtaki.Nō te tau 1950 taku kitenga mutunga i a ia.
The last time I saw her was in 1950.Nō te pō, i a rātou ka taurite ki te kūrae o Taumata-apanui, ka peke a Tōrere.
At night, when they were opposite Taumata-apanui, Tōrere jumped [overboard].Nō tō tāua taenga, ka tūpono ia e mau kaka rerehua ana rāua.
When they arrived, he realised that they were wearing fancy dress.Nō te korenga mahi i te tau 1972, ko ngā raruraru maha i puta.
The strike in 1972 causes many problems.Nō te Kirihimete rā ka hoki mai ia ki Te Kao.
She returned to Te Kao at Christmas.Nō te tau 1987, ka whakaturetia te reo Māori hei reo mana.
In 1987, Māori was made an official language by statute.