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The past agent emphatic says who did something. It uses the nā... i... structure where the verb or mahi follows the i:
Nā wai ngā rihi i horoi?
Who was the one who washed the dishes?
Nāku ngā rīhi i horoi.
I was the one who washed the dishes.
Nāu ngā rīhi i horoi.
You were the one who washed the dishes.
Nāna ngā rīhi i horoi.
He was the one who washed the dishes.
Nā tātou te waiata i waiata.
We were the ones who sang the song.
Nā ngā tamariki te whare i whakapai.
The childred were the ones who cleaned the house
The agent emphatic has an emphasis on who did the action. Instead of simply saying "I did the dishes", the agent emphatic says: "I was the one who did the dishes".
Nā rātou i horoi ngā pereti.
They washed the plates.Nā rātou ngā pereti i horoi.
They washed the plates.Nā ngā tamariki i whakangaro ngā mea tākaro.
It was the children who lost the toys.Nā Manu te waka i hoe ki te motu.
Manu paddled the boat to the island.Nāku i horoi ngā rīhi.
It was me who washed the dishes.Nā taua rōpū ngā waiata tino reka.
That group did the sweetest singing.Nāna i tunu te keke.
It was him/her who baked the cake.Nā Tame i mahi te parāoa.
Tame made the bread.Nā Manu te waka i hoe ki te motu.
It was Manu who paddled the boat to the island.Nāku i kawe te pēke.
It was me who carried the bag.Nā wai te whare i whakapai?
Who was the one who cleaned the house?Nāku i whakarite te hui.
It was me who organized the meeting.Nānā te pūhā i kato.
She/he picked the pūhā.Nā ngā mātou te whare i whakaparuparu.
It was the parents who messed up the house.Nāu te mahi uaua i mahi.
You did the hard work.Nā rāua i whawhai ki ngā pirihimana.
It was them (two) who fought with the police.Nā rātou ngā manuhiri i pōhiri.
They welcomed the guests.Nā te kairangahau i uiui ia tamariki, o ngā whānau katoa.
The researcher interviewed each group of children from all the families.Nā rātou i whakapai te whare.
It was them who cleaned the house.Nāku i tiki te kai.
It was me who fetched the food.Nāku i hoko ngā hū.
It was me who bought the shoes.Nā ngā kaiako i whakaako ngā tamariki.
It was the teachers who taught the children.Nāku i tuhituhi te reta.
It was me who wrote the letter.Nāna i tiki ngā tamariki i te kura.
It was him/her who picked up the children from school.Nā te kaitāmoko tōku moko i hoahoa.
It was the tattooist who designed my tattoo.Nā Ponga tēnā, ēhara i a au.
Ponga is the cause, not me.Nā tana rōpā i whakanoi he kai māna.
His slave hung some food up for him.Nā Mia ngā keke nā i tunu.
Mia cooked those cakes (near you).Nā wai te parāoa i mahi?
Who made the bread?Nā ngā tauira i whakarite te whakaaturanga.
It was the students who prepared the presentation.Nāku tēnei kete.
This kit is mine.Nā ngā tāngata i āwhina te whānau.
It was the people who helped the family.Nā Rangi tōku whare i hanga.
It was Rangi who built my house.Nā Mere mā i horoi ngā pereti.
Mere and the others washed the plates.Nā koutou i para i te ara.
You paved the way.Nā te ua tātou i kore ai e haere.
It was because of the rain that we didn't go.Nā Koa i pupuhi te manu.
Koa shot the bird.Nāu te whare i whakapai.
You cleaned the house.Nāku i horoi te motokā.
It was me who washed the car.Nāna te parāoa i tunu.
He baked the bread.Nāku kē te waka i whakakī.
I actually filled the car up with petrol.Nā ngā tamariki te whare i whakapai.
The children were the ones who cleaned the house.Nā Kauri ēnei putiputi i katokato.
Kauri picked these flowers.Nā māua ngā tamariki i tiki.
We got the kids.Nā Ponga ahau i āwhina.
I was protected by Ponga.Nā Ari te papa i tahitahi.
It was Ari who swept the floor.Nā wai te pūhā i kato?
Who picked the pūhā?Nāu au i kitea mai ai ki konei.
It is because of you that I am seen here.Nā mātou te kai i tunu.
We cooked the food.Nā te kōtiro te kurī i patu.
It was the girl who hit the dog.Nā Pita i mau ngā kī.
It was Pita who held the keys.Nāku te pukapuka hītori i pānui i te Pātaka Kōrero.
I read the history book in the library.Nā taku tāne te parakuihi i whakarite!
(It was) my husband (who) prepared breakfast!Nā te paruauru te oneone i taupoki.
It was the gardener who dug the garden.Nā Maru te kūmara i whakatipu.
It was Maru grew the kumara.Nā rāua i hanga te whare.
It was them (two) who built the house.Nāku i hoko te ngeru.
It was me who bought the cat.Nā Niko te karakia i taki.
It was Niko who recited the prayer.Nāku i kōrero ki a ia.
It was me who spoke to him/her.Nā wai ngā pereti i horoi?
Who washed the plates?Nāku te waka i horoi.
I washed the car.Nā te wahine anake tērā mahi.
That task is done by woman alone.Nāku i tiki te pukapuka.
It was me who fetched the book.Nā te pirihimana i hopu te tāhae.
It was the policeman who caught the thief.Nā wai tēnā i mahi?
Who did that?Nā rātou i kawe te patu.
They carried weapons.Nā te kaiako i whakaako i ngā tauira.
It was the teacher who taught the students.Nā te kōtiro te kete ātaahua i raranga.
It was the girl who wove the beautiful basket.Nā rāua i whakahoki ngā pukapuka.
It was them (two) who returned the books.Nāku a Aroha i whakarere iho ake.
I abandoned Aroha.Nā Hine i kī te kōrero.
It was Hine who made the statement.Nā Aria i tahitahi te papa.
It was Aria who swept the floor.Nā wai i horoi ngā pereti?
Who washed the plates?Nā wai a Papa rāua ko Rangi i whakawehe?
Who separated Papa and Rangi?Nā te kōtiro i waiata i te waiata.
It was the girl who sang the song.Nā wai taku motokā whakapai?
Who cleaned my car?Nāna ngā manuhiri i karanga.
She called to the guests.Nā wai taku wai i inu?
Who drank my water?Nā te kōtiro te taramu i patu.
It was the girl who hit the drum.Nāku ngā pereti i horoi.
I washed the plates.Nāku te whare i whakapai.
I cleaned the house.Nāku i kī atu ki a koe.
It was me who told you.Nā te kaiako i kī ngā ture.
It was the teacher who stated the rules.Nā te kaiako ia i whaka-oho.
It was the teacher who woke him/her up.Nā Tawa te parāoa i mahi.
Tawa made the bread.Nā wai te kai i tunu?
Who cooked for food?Nā ngā tamariki te pūhā i kato.
The children picked the pūhā.Nā Hōne i hanga te pouaka.
It was Hōne who built the box.Nā Amaru ngā kai i tunu.
It was Amaru who cooked the food.Nāku anō taku haere mai.
I alone am responsible for my coming here.Nā wai i kato te pūhā?
Who picked the pūhā?Nā Ponga te kōhuru i a au.
Ponga is responsible for the treachery against me.Nā wai te papa i tahitahi?
Who swept the floor?Nā mātou i kai ngā kai katoa.
It was us (excluding you) who ate all the food.Nāku te parāoa i mahi.
I made the bread.Nā wai te whare i whakaparuparu?
Who was the one who messed up the house?Nāna te whare i whakapai.
She cleaned the house.Nā te kōtiro ngā putiputi i raranga.
It was the girl who wove the flowers.Nāku i tunu te kai.
I cooked the food.Nāna i pupuhi te manu.
He was the one who shot the bird.Nā te moko o Ponga i pai ai.
It is because of Ponga's facial tattoo that he was attractive.Nā Manu i āwhina a Ataahua.
It was Manu who helped Ataahua.Nā wai i mahi te parāoa?
Who made the bread?Nā wai i kī e mārena ana tō tuakana?
Who said your brother's getting married?Nāu ngā pereti i horoi.
You washed the plates.Nāku te pātai i pātai.
It was me who asked the question.Nā te tama i tiki ngā mea tākaro.
It was the boy who fetched the toys.Nā te rangatira taua īmēra i pānui.
It was the boss who read that (aforementioned) email.Nā ngā tamariki i kato te pūhā.
The children picked the pūhā.Nāku te karakia i taki.
I was the one who recited the prayer.Nāku tēnei whare i hanga.
I was the one who built this house.Nāku te keke i tunu.
I was the one who cooked the cake.Nā wai koe i ako ki te whakapai moenga?
Who was the one who taught you to make your bed?Nā wai rātou i nanaaki?
Who looked after them?Nā wai tō kawhe i whakarite i tēnei rā?
Who was the one who made your coffee today?Nāu ngā kūmara i waru.
You were the one who peeled the kūmera.Nāku te kai i tunu.
I was the one who cooked the food.Nā wai te whare i whakatika?
Who fixed the house?Nā wai ō kākahu i horoi i tērā wiki?
Who washed the clothes last week?Nā wai ō kākahu i pōkai i tēnei wiki?
Who was the one who folded the clothes last week?Nāu te keke i tunu.
You were the one who baked the cake.Nāu i horoi, nāku i tāora.
You washed, I dried.Nāna te keke i tunu.
She was the one who baked the cake.Nāna te tēpu i whakarite.
She was the one who set the table.Ehara i tōku hoa te kai i tunu.
It wasn't my friend who cooked the food.Nā wai tō kai i whakarite i tēnei rā?
Who was the one who prepared food today?Nā tātou te waiata i waiata.
We were the ones who sang the song.Nāku te keke tunu.
I was the one who cooked the cake.haena
iron (clothes)Nā wai ngā rihi i horoi?
Who washed the dishes?Nā wai tō moenga i whakatika ii tēnei ata?
Who made your bed the morning?Nā wai koe i whakapakeke?
Who was the one who raised you?Nā wai tō wharepaku i horoi i tērā wiki?
Who was the one who cleaned the toilet last week?Nāna te kai i tunu.
He cooked the food.Nā tō rātou māmā.
It was their mother who did it.Nāku ngā rīhi i horoi.
I was the one who washed the dishes.Nā wai tō kai i tunu inapō
Who was the one who cooked your food last night?Nā Pāora te keke i tunu.
Pāora was the one who baked the cake.Nā tōku hoa te kai i tunu.
My friend was the one who cooked the food.Nā te kāmura.
It was done by the carpenter.Nāna rātou i manaaki.
She was the one who looked after them.