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The future agent emphatic uses nā... e...
Mā Tawa e mahi te parāoa.
Tawa will be the one to make the bread.
Mā Kauri a Hēmi e āwhina i te rā nei.
Kauri will support Hēmi today.Māna e mau mai ngā kai.
She will bring the food.Māna te whare e horoi.
She will clean the house.Māku ngā hū e hoko.
I will buy the shoes.Māku ngā kai e hoko.
I will buy the food.Mā Nikau te tepū e whakarite.
Nikau will be the one to clear the table.Mā ngā tamariki e whakapai ngā moenga.
The children will make the beds.Māna te kanikani e haere.
It will be her that goes to the dance.Mā te kōtiro te taramu e patu.
It will be the girl who will hit the drum.Mā te rangatira o te hapū te karakia e taki hei tīmata i te hui.
The chief of the subtribe will begin the meeting with the karakia.Māku ngā kai e hoko.
I will buy the food.Māku e kawe atu he wai māu.
I will bring you some water.Māku te kākahu e whakamaroke.
I will dry the clothes.Mā ngā tamariki te kēmu e tākaro.
The children will play the game.Mā tātou ngā rīhi e horoi.
We will wash the dishes.Mā tērā tane tōu waka e whakapai.
That man will fix your car.Mā Ari e tuhituhi te rārangi kai.
Ari will write the shopping list.Māu te kete kākahu e wehewehe.
You will sort the clothes basket.Mā ngā mātua ngā tamariki e āwhina.
The parents will help the children.Māu ngā kai e hoko.
You will buy the food.Māna ngā manuhiri e karanga.
She will call the guests.Mā rāua ngā pukapuka e pānui.
They (two) will read the books.Mā ngā hoa ngā pukapuka e whakahoki ki te whare pukapuka.
The friends will return the books to the library.Mā Mere ngā kai e kawe.
Mere will bring the food.Mā rātou e horoi ngā pereti.
They will wash the plates.Māku e mahi ngā kai.
I'll get the kai ready.Mā te rangatira o te hapū te karakia e taki hei tīmata i te hui.
The chief of the subtribe will begin the meeting with the karakia.Mā rātou ngā manuhiri e pōhiri.
They will welcome the guests.Mā Aria te papa e horopuehu.
It will be Aria who will vacuum the floor.Māku e tunu te hapa.
I will cook dinner.Mā te rangatira o te iwi te hui e tīmata ki te karakia.
The chief of the tribe will begin the meeting with the prayer.Mā ngā kaiako ngā tauira e whakaako.
The teachers will teach the students.Mā Pāpā tātou e taraiwa atu ki Te Ao Hou.
Pāpā will drive us to New World.Mā rātou ngā pereti e horoi.
They will wash the plates.Mā te Atua koe e manāki, e tiaki.
The Lord will guard you and protect you.Māu ngā rīhi e horoi.
You will wash the dishes.Mā Amaru ngā rīhi e horoi.
Amaru will wash the dishes.Māu te ruma e whakarite.
You will tidy the room.Māu te kai e hari atu ki a rātou.
You can take the food to them.Māu e mahi kaputī māna?
Can you make a cup of tea for her?Mā ngā kaiako te toa e whiriwhiri.
The teachers will pick the winner.Māna ngā kai e hoko.
She will buy the food.Mā Mia e karanga ngā manuhiri.
Mia will welcome the visitors.Mā koutou ngā pānui e tono atu ki ngā kaimahi.
You (3/+) will send the notices out to the workers.Mā kōrua ngā rihi e horoi.
It will be you two who will wash the dishes.Māku koe e awhi e.
I will help you.Mā Manu tōku whare e hanga.
Manu will build my house.Māku te ngeru e whāngai?
Shall I feed the cat?Mā Rewi e tuhituhi he reta ki te Pirimia.
It will be Rewi who will write a letter to the Prime Minister.Mā ngā tamariki te pūhā e kato.
The children will pick the pūhā.Māku e whakairi.
I will arrange it.Mā rāua te māra e whakatipu.
They (two) will tend to the garden.Mā te Ātua koe e manāki, e tiaki.
It will be God who will guide and protect you.Māu pea te karakia e taki?
Would you like to lead the prayer?Mā Pita e whakapai te kai.
Pita will bless the food.Māna e tunu te hapa.
He will cook dinner.Mā Pita te kai e tunu.
Pita will cook the food.Mā mātou tō waiata e waiata.
We will song your song.Māku te pēpi e whāngai.
I will be the one to feed the baby.Māku te papa e tahitahi.
I will sweep the floor.Māu te rā e whakarite.
You will plan the day.Māku ōu tukemata e katokato.
I will pluck your eyebrows.Māu te tepū e whakarite.
You will be the one to clear the table.Mā Rangi te hui e whakakapi.
Rangi will close the hui.Māku koe e awhina.
I will help you.Mā te kōtiro te kurī e patu.
It will be the girl who will hit the dog.Mā rātou te kēmu e takatū.
They will prepare the game.Mā te kaiako ngā ture e whakamārama.
The teacher will explain the rules.Mā Tame e oma ki Tatau Iho.
Tame will run to Countdown.Māna ngā kai e hoko.
She will buy the food.Mā tana hoa rāua e kawe ki te mahi.
Her friend will take them to work.Mā Pāora ia e tiki.
Pāora will go and collect him.Māu.
You will.Mā Hōne ngā pukapuka e whakahoki.
Hōne will return the books.Māu ahau e āwhina?
Can you help me?Māu koe e taraiwa
You will drive.Mā rātou ngā manuhiri e pōhiri.
They will welcome the guests.Māku pea e tunu, nē?
Shall I perhaps cook, right?Mā Bob te waiata e tīmata.
Bob will start the song.Mā taku hoa tāne ngā kākahu horoi e whakairi.
It will be my boyfriend who will hang the washing.Māu anō te huka e rui ki runga.
You should spread the sugar on top yourself.Māu pea ngā tamariki e tiki ki te kura, māku ngā kākahu e whakariterite.
Maybe you pick the kids up, I'll get the clothes ready.Māku te tamaiti e whāngai.
I will feed the child.Will you? I'm not going to!
Māu? Ehara māku!Mā ā tātou tamariki ā tātou ngeru e whāngai.
Our kids will feed our cats.Māku tō kapu tī, Taika.
I will make a cup of tea, Taika.Māku e pānui tētahi kōrero ki a koe.
Shall I read you a story?Māku te kōtiro e korero.
I will speak to the girl.Mā Koa e hoko ngā huawhenua.
Koa will buy the veges.Māku te mahi e oti.
I will finish the work.Mā ngā kaikōrero e mihi ngā manuhiri.
It will be the speakers who will greet the visitors.Māku ngā kurī e whāngai.
I will be the one to feed the dogs.Mā te hita tātou e whakamahana.
The heater will warm us up.Māku te karakia e taki.
I will recite the prayer.Mā ngā tamariki te tēpu e whakapai.
The children will set the table.Māna.
He/she will.Mā Mere e karanga ngā manuhiri.
Mere will call the guests.Mā kōrua te wharepaku e whakapai.
You (2) will clean the toilet.Māku te waiata tautoko e waiata.
I will sing the song of support.Māku?
Me?Māku ngā tamariki e ārahi ki te kura.
I will lead the children to school.Mā te mīhini e mahi ngā mea katoa.
The machine will do everything.Māu ngā kai e hoko.
You buy the food.Māku? Auē, kei te moe tonu aku karu Pāpā.
Me? Oh no, my eyes are still sleeping Dad.Mā ngā kaiako e whiriwhiri te toa.
The teachers will pick the winner.Māku ngā ngeru e whāngai!
I will feed the cats!Māu te whare e whakamā i tēnei pō.
You will clean the house today.Māu ngā pereti e horoi.
You will wash the plates.Māku tā tātou hapa e tunu a tēnei pō.
I will be the one to cook our dinner tonight.Mā mātou ngā rīhi e horoi.
We will wash the dishes.Mā wai te kawhe nei?
Who is this coffee for?Māku te waiata e waiata hei tautoko.
I will sing the song as support.Māku te kōtiro e korero.
I will speak to the girl.Mā rātou ā mātou manuhiri e pōwhiri.
They will welcome our guests.Mā Aidan te ngeru e whāngai!
It will be Aidan who will feed the cat!Māku e kihi tō mamae.
I'll kiss your sore better.Mā rāua te motokā e whakatika.
They (two) will fix the car.Mānā te pūhā e kato.
She will pick the pūhā.Mā taku pāpā koe e āwhina.
My dad will help you.Mā mātou koutou e manaaki.
We (3+ exclusive) will take care of you.Mā Hine te kōrero e tuku atu.
Hine will give the speech.Māku te rīhi e horoi.
I will wash the dish.Mā Henare e whakatau ngā manuhiri.
Henare will welcome the visitors.Mā Niko ngā rīhi e horoi, Hera, māu e whakamaroke.
Niko will wash the dishes, Hera, you will dry them.Mā Mere e whakaoti te kaupapa.
Mary will complete the project.Mā ngā tamariki e kato te pūhā.
The children will pick the pūhā.Mā te kōtiro te taramu e patu.
It will be the girl who will hit the drum.Mā rāua te motokā e taraiwa.
They (two) will drive the car.Māku koe e tautoko.
I will help you.Māku.
I will.Mā Aroha e hoko kai ki Peke te Pēke, koinā tōna tino.
Aroha will buy food at Pak n Save, that's her favourite.Māku te pouaka whakaata e whakakā.
I will turn on the television.Māku te parāoa e mahi.
I will make the bread.Mā te kuia e karanga.
The kuia will karanga.Mā Mia e mahi te parāoa.
Mia will make the bread.Mā Tawa ngā huawhenua e hoko.
Tawa will buy the veges.Mā Ataahua te parāoa e mahi.
Ataahua will make the bread.Māu te waka e taraiwa.
You will drive the car.Māku hei mōkai māu!
I'll be your slave!Mā tātou e horoi ō tātou kākahu.
We will be the ones to clean the room.I kōrero rātou mō tērā tangata.
They spoke about that person.Māky ngā pereti e horoi.
I will be the one to wash the dishes.Nā wai te keke i tunu?
Who baked the cake?Māku e horoi tō rātou waka.
I will be the one to clean the car.Māna e āwhina ahau,
She will look after me.Māu e tubnu tētahi keke ma t`1a t`1atou hui.
You will cook a cake for our meeting.Māu e horoi, māku e tāora.
You will wash, I will dry.Mā Honi ngā tamariki e tiki.
Honi will be the one to collect the children.Māu ngā tamariki e tiki.
He will be the one to fetch the children.