Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Here are the important locative words:

hea: where
konei: here, this place (by me)
konā: there, that place or thereabouts (by you)
korā: over there
mua: in front, before
muri: behind, after
raro: under, beneath
reira: there, the aforementioned place or time
roto: in, inside, into
runga: on, above
tai: seaward
tawhiti: in the distance, afar
te taha matau: the right-hand side
te taha mauī: the left-hand side
tu: beyond, on the other side
tātahi: the seaside, the beach
tāwāhi: overseas, abroad, the other side
uta: ashore, landward
waenganui: between, middle, amid
waho: outside

Kei waenganui a Tūrehu i ana tuākana.
Tūrehu is between her older sisters.

Kei waenganui te kōtiro i ōna mātua.
The girl is between her parents.

Kei roto tāku kāri nama i tāku pāhi.
My credit card is in my wallet.

Kei roto waea pūkoro i te kīhini.
You mobile phone is in the kicthen.

Kei raro i te motokā te kurī e kimihia ana e koe.
The dog which you are looking for is under the car.

Kei te haere au ki roto
I am going inside.

Kei roto ō i te motukā.
Your keys are in the car.

Kei tua ngā mate i tērā ārai.
The dead are beyond that veil.

Kei roto taua kāinga i a Ngāti Porou.
That place is Ngāti Porou territory.

Kei taha mauī te rūma kaukau.
The bathroom is on your left?

Kei raro a Ōamaru i Murihiku.
Oamaru is north of Murihiku.

Kei roto tonu ia i tōna rūma moe.
He is still in his bedroom.

Kei roto ia i te whare.
He/she's inside.

Kei raro i te pukapuka.
Under the book.

Kei raro te ngeru i te tōtara.
The cat is under the tōtara tree.

Kei roto a Ari rāua ko Rina i rāua whare.
Ari and Rina are inside their house.

Kei roto te miraka i te pounamu.
The milk is in the bottle.

Anei, kei taku taha matau.
Here it is, by my right side.

Kei te kurī raro i te motokā.
The dog is under the car.

Kei roto rāua i te kīhini.
Those two are in the kitchen.

Kei waho ōku hoa i te kūaha.
My friends are outside the door.

Kei roto ia i tōna rūma moe.
He is in his bedroom.

Kei waenganui i rāua.
Inbetween them.

Kei waenganui ngā tūru i ngā tēpu.
The chairs are in between the tables.

Kei runga te tioka i te ara.
The chalk is on the path.

Te reka hoki! Hei, titiro ki muri i a koe, ki te taha matau, kei te kīhini taku hoa e mahi ana.
Delicious! Hey, look behind you, to the right, my friend is working in the kitchen.

Kei raro ngā taonga tākaro i te nohoanga.
The toys are under the sofa.

Kei waenganui tana matua i ngā manuhiri.
Her/his father is in the middle of the visitors.

Kei roto a Kahurangi rāua ko Hōhepa i rāua whare.
Kahurangi and Hōhepa are inside their house.

Kei raro ō i moenga.
Your shoes are under your bed.

Kei waenga ō tātou manuhiri i a tātou.
Our visitors are among us.

Anā, kei taha mauī.
There it is. On your left side.

Kei roto ngā tamariki i te whare kura.
The children are in the school building.

He aha kei te taha matau o te pouaka whakaata?
What's on the right-hand side of the television?

Kei roto a Koa rāua ko Taika i rāua whare.
Koa and Taika are inside their (2x) house.

Kei waenganui te tāone i te ngahere.
The town is in the middle of the bush.

Kei roto te kāheru i te wharau
The spade is in the shed.

Kei te taha matau o te rākau te kāinga o te kurī.
The dog's home is on the right side of the tree.

Kei waenganui āu i te tūru me te waea pūkoro.
Your keys are between the chair and the cell phone.

Kei raro ia i te rākau.
He is under the tree.

Kei waenganui āu i te tūru me te waea pūkoro.
Your keys are between the chair and the cell phone.

Kei raro iho nei he tauira o te reremahi poto.
Below is an example of a short verbal sentence.

Kei roto ia i te kihini.
He is in the kitchen.

Kei roto i a Ngāti Tahu.
Among Ngāi Tahu.

Kei roto ngā rākau i te wao.
There are trees in the forest.

Kei te noho ia, i runga i te tūru, kōrero pukapuka ai.
He's sitting in a chair reading a book.

Kei waenganui a Niko i te rākau me te motokā.
Niko is between the tree and the car.

Kei roto ngā kūmara i te umu.
The kumara are in the oven.

Kei roto te paruauru i te wharau. E moe ana ia
The gardener is in the shed. He's sleeping.

Kei waenganui te tamaiti i ngā kuia.
The child is between the elderly women.

Kei runga mātou whare i tētahi puke.
Our (3/+ exclusive) house is on a hill.

Kei tana hoa a Hēmi.
Hēmi is with his friend.

He kapu kei te taha matau o te pouaka whakaata.
A cup is on the right-hand side of the television.

Titiro ki taha mauī.
Look to your left.

I runga a Nikau rāoua ko Rangi i te atamira.
Nikau and Rangi were on the stage.

Kei roto a Mia i te kīhini.
Mia is in the kitchen.

Kei waenganui rāua i ngā tama.
They are among the boys.

Kei roto taku kāri utu-ā-hiko i taku pūkoro.
My eftpos card is in my pocket.

Kei waenganui i te whare kori tinana me te toa kākahu.
It's between the gym and the clothing store.

Kei runga te kapu i te tēpu.
The cup is on the table.

Kei runga tāku rorohiko i tōku tēpu tari.
My computer is on my desk.