Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere mātou ki te tāone runga tereina.
We went to town by train.

Ka haere au ki te mahi runga pahikara.
I will go to work by bicycle.

Kei te hoki rātou runga i te pahi.
They are returning by bus.

I tae mai ia runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.

runga waka rererangi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by plane.

runga pahikara ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bike.

Ka haere māua runga pahi.
We (he/she and I) will travel by bus.

Ko wai ka haere runga hōiho?
Who goes by horse?

Kei te haere au runga i te waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.

Ka haere mātou runga i te motokā o tōku matua.
We (but not you) will go in my father's car.

I haere mātou ko aku hoa runga i te waka o Betsy ki te takutai, ki Te Māhia.
Me and my friends went on Betsy's car to the beach, to Māhia.

runga motokā.
By car.

I haere mai au runga pahi.
I came by bus.

runga i te tereina o te ono karaka.
On the six o'clock train.

I haere koutou runga aha?
How did you come?

runga kutarere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by scooter.

runga poti ahau haere ai.
I travelled by boat.

Kāore au i te taraiwa, ka haere runga i te waka rererangi.
I'm not driving, I'm going by plane.

runga motokā ahau haere ai.
I travelled by car.

Ka haere koe runga aha?
How will you travel?

Ka haere ia runga i te motukā.
She went by the car.

I tae mai ia runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.

runga i te pahi.
I came by bus.

Ka haere mātou ki te tāone runga tereina te rua haora.
We went to town by train for two hours.

Ka haere ia runga motukā.
She went by car.

I haere au runga motokā.
I traveled by car.

Kei te haere koe runga aha?
How are you travelling?

Kei te haere ia runga wakarererangi.
He/she is travelling by plane.

Me runga tereina ki Te Awamutu.
They are going by train to Te Awamutu.

Ka haere ia runga i te motukā o Tim.
She went on Tim's car.

runga waka rererangi.
By plane.

Ka haere ia runga i tana motukā.
She went by her car.

Kei te tae mai ia runga i te pahi.
She is arriving by bus.

runga waka tere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by ferry.

Ka haere au ki te mahi runga pahikara.
I will go to work by bicycle.

Kei te haere a Kauri rāua ko Taika runga i te motukā.
Kauri and Taika are travelling by car.

Kei te haere koe runga i te aha?
How are you travelling?

runga i waka tātou haere ai.
We are travelling by your car.

I haere mai au runga papa wīra.
I came by skateboard.

Ka haere koe ki Tāmaki-makau-rau runga i te tereina?
Are you going to Auckland by train?

runga papa reti.
By skateboard.

Ka tae mai a Mere runga aha?
What did Mere travel on (transport)?

runga pahi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bus.

Ka haere koe runga i te aha?
How are you going? (travelling).

I haere rāua runga pahi.
Those who travelled by bus.

runga tereina.
By train.

Ka rongo a Aria, ka hihiri kia hoe atu ia runga i te waka.
Aria heard, and wanted to paddle there by canoe.

runga aha?
On what (will you travel)?

I haere mai au runga paihikara.
I came by bike.

Kei te haere a Mere runga i te pahikara o Makere.
Mere is going on Mikaere's bike.

Ka haere runga i te hōiho kerei.
Let's go on the grey horse.

I haere mai au runga pahi.
I came by bus.

Kei te haere au runga waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.

Ka tae mai a Pita runga motukā.
Pita travelled by car.

Ka haere au runga motokā.
I will travel by car.

I haere mai au runga motokā.
I came by car.