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A negative command ("Don't look! Don't go!") is expressing using kaua e...
Kaua e oma!
Don't run!
Kaua e patu!
Don't hit!
When giving commands ("run!" "sit") the e is only used when the verb is two syllables. If the verb has three or more syllables, the e is not used. Also, if the verb is followed by mai, iho, ake or atu, the e is not used:
E oma!
Oma atu!
Run away!
However, when using negative commands, the e is always used, regardless of how long the verb is and whether or not mai, ihi, etc are used:
Kaua e oma atu!
Do not run away!
Kaua e whakarongo!
Do not listen!
Kaua e mānukanuka.
Don't be anxious.Kaua e pātai atu ki tō hoa.
Don't ask your friend.Kaua e haere atu i konei!
Do not leave here!Kaua e tunua te ika.
Don't cook the fish.Kaua e wareware ki te kopa moni e Mā.
Don't forget your wallet, Mā.Kaua te ika e tunua.
Don't cook the fish.Kaua e kōrero me tōu waha e kī ana!
Don't speak with your mouth full!Ka whakaarotia, kia kaua e whakamatea mā te patu.
It was decided not to kill him with a club.Kaua e āwangawanga.
Don't be anxious.Kaua e puta ki waho.
Don't go outside.Kaua e tapahia te parāoa.
Don't slice the bread.Kaua e oma!
Don't run!Kaua e māngere.
Don't be lazy.Kaua e tatari i te kēti!
Don't wait at the gate!Kaua e mataku.
Don't be scared.Kaua e homai ngā whakautu.
Don't give me the answers.Kaua e omaoma ki roto i te whare.
Don't run in the house.Kaua e kuhu mai ki roto!
Don't come inside!Ei. Kaua e ngaungau.
Ouch. Don't bite.Kaua e inu!
Don't drink!Kaua e titiro ki te maunga!
Don't look at the mountain!Kaua e tū ki te kai.
Don't stand and eat.Kaua e āwangawanga.
Be strong.Kaua e waiata ki ngā manuhiri.
Don’t sing to the guests.Kaua e haere ki tērā piko o te awa.
Don't go to that bend in the river.Kaua e riri.
Don't be angry.Kaua e titiiro mai!
Do not look here!Kaua e tū!
Don't stand!Kaua e mātakitaki i te pouaka whakaata i te ao, i te pō!
Don't watch television day and night!Kaua e kino ki a ia.
Don't be bad to him.Kaua e moe!
Don't sleep!Kaua e rūkahu!
Don't talk rubbish!Kaua e noho!
Don't sit!Kaua e patu i tō teina!
Don't hit your younger sibling.Kaua e kai i te tohorā!
Don't eat whale!Kaua e karo!
Don't dodge!Kaua e pōuri.
Don't be sad.Kaua e haere!
Don't go!Kaua e pātuhi i te wā o te akoranga.
Don't text during the lesson.Kaua e kōrero!
Don't speak!Kaua e whakarongo ki āna tohutohu.
Don't listen to her instructions.Kaua e haere atu!
Don't go away!Kaua e pukuriri - kia tau.
Don't be angry. Chill out.Kaua e oho!
Don't wake up!Kaua e pōhēhē he huarahi ngāwari noa iho te huarahi ki te mātauranga.
Don't kid yourself that the path to knowledge is an easy one.Kaua e noho!
Don't sit down!Kaua e riri mai ki a au.
Don't be angry with me.Kaua e pēnā!
Don't be like that!Kaua e waiho ō hū ki konā.
Don't leave your shoes there.Kaua e noho iho!
Don't sit down!Kaua e oma!
Don't run!Kaua e hoatu te māripi ki a Koa.
=Don't give the knife to Koa.Kaua e hoihoi!
Don't be noisy!Kia āta kai. Kaua e hao.
Eat slowly. Don't be greedy.Kaua e awangawanga!
Don't worry!Kaua e whakarongo ki a ia!
Do not listen to him!Kaua e homai te mea nā.
Don't pass me that thing.Kaua e kato i ēnā putiputi!
Don't pick those flowers.Kaua e titiro ake!
Don't look up!Kaua e tū i runga i tērā tūru!
Don't stand on that chair!Kaua e oma atu!
Don't run away!Kaua e haere!
Don't go!Kaua e maranga!
Don't get up!Kaua e kai pia ngaungau ki te kura.
Don't chew gum at school.Kaua e tangi.
Don't cry.Kaua e titiro mai!
Don't look here!Kaua e waiho te raumamao.
Don't leave the remote.Kaua e kōrero pēnā mō Rangi.
Don't talk like that about Rangi.Kaua e haere mai!
Don't come here!Kaua e haere.
Don't go!Kaua e kai!
Don't eat!Kaua e whakatoi ki a ia.
Don't be cheeky to her.Kaua e whakatika i tōu rūma.
Don't tidy your room.Kaua e mate wheke me mate ururoa.
Don't die like a octopus - die like a shark.Kaua e oma ki a Tame!
Do not run to Tame!Kaua e tangi, e te tau.
Don't cry my darling.Kaua e wareware tā tātou hui ā tēnei Rātapu.
Don't forget our meeting this Sunday.Kaua kōrua e haere.
You two don't go.Kaua e tunu i te kina!
Don't cook sea-eggs!Kaua e moe roa!
Don't sleep in!Kaua e tūreiti.
Don't be late.Kaua e takahi tikanga.
Do not disregard customs.Kaua e whakahīhī.
Don't be arrogant.Kaua e māngere, mahia atu!
Don't be lazy, give it heaps!Kaua e waiho ngā hīti.
Don't leave the sheets.Kaua e ngau tuarā!
Don't talk abut someone behind their back!Kaua e tuhi ki runga i te tēpu.
Don't write on the table.Kaua e titiro atu!
Don't look over there!Kaua e kata ki a māua.
Don't laugh at us.Kaua e homai te pata.
Don't pass me the butter.Kaua e kai!
Don't eat!Kaua e moe!
Don't sleep!Kaua e hōhā.
Don't be angry.Kaua e whakamā. Karawhiua!
Don't be shy. Give it a go!Kaua e tukuna to taiapa.
Don't let go of the fence.Kaua e waiata!
Don't sing!Kaua e waiho ngā rīhi mō āpōpō.
Don't leave the dishes until tomorrow.Kaua e kohi i te pāua iti!
Don't gather small pāua.Āta noho. Kaua e oreore.
Sit still. Don't fidget.Kaua e noho ki runga tēpu.
Don't sit on tables.Kaua e tū!
Don't stand up!